
Monday, October 24, 2011


Engaging the Young Church Conference
This weekend was Detroit's first 'Engaging the Young Church Conference'.  It was an excellent time to be with others etc...I wish it didn't come at such a busy time of the year because I was SPENT after.  BUT, it was a pretty magical time.  The diocese was blessed by the skillz of a Mr. Bob Rice, professor at Franciscan University.  My dear friend Mike and I discussed after how awesome it is that Franciscan is not as 'contraversial' as it once was.  It has been pretty awesome to see the 'mood' of the field change when it comes to my Alma mater.  When I first started in the field, if I said I was from Franciscan, I could feel a tangible pull back of the people in the room.  For a whole bunch of reasons, I think that has COMPLETELY changed.  What a blessing!  I remember about 9 years ago telling one of my friends that people better get used to us, because the rate of FUSBALL graduates was going to change youth ministry in this country. I think it has.  I think we have also learned to be normal, vs. weirdo/judgmental/high-horsey catechists...that has helped.  Anyway- YAY God and ministry.

Authentic Christian Witness
Mr. Bob Rice’s 3rd key note address was on being an authentic Christian Witness. It was pretty powerful, but here is the bummer.  That night, a few of my friends and I hung out.  Although we had a great time, in reflection I realized the way I talked, the things I said, the words I used…for the most part weren’t the best.  I realized that often times I talk the talk but don’t walk the walk, particularly when hanging out with friends.  The next day the husband and I spoke about it briefly, I decided I am going to try to be more consistent in my life.  If I don’t swear around my teens, I should work on not swearing around my friends/family.  If I don’t talk badly about people in front of my teens, I should work on not talking badly about people with friends/family.  If I don’t use off-colored humor around my teens, I should work on not using off colored humor around my friends/family.  I enjoy the ‘call-out’ that God gave me this weekend, because I am hoping to use it to grow closer to him.

Should I do more speaking
This week was weird. I helped a friend with his Confirmation Retreat, gave 2 separate Theology on Tap talks and 2 Social Media Workshops.  Tonight, I will be helping another friend with her Confirmation program.  I completely over-committed myself which is a problem, but for the most part the talks went exceptionally well and I got really great feedback.  This is weird, but in addition I was approached by a few different people about coming out to their parishes and giving talks/retreats.  Anyway, sometimes, I wonder if God could be calling me more in that direction.  BUT, I don’t know what to do about that because in order to go ALL-IN, I would have to have a great many more weeks like the one I just had- and that kind of overwhelms me.  I talked to Blessed JPII about it and asked him to guide our family the way Jesus sees fit, so for now, I am just trusting.

Blessed John Paul II
I could BARELY get through Mass on Saturday.  His first feast day, the Gospel of John reading, ‘Do you REALLY love me’ (a HUGE part of how I feel I got called into ministry) and the song, ‘Lord, when you came’.  I cried through most of the liturgy, feeling so GRATEFUL for the way God has directed my life.  Once again grieving Pope John Paul ( I felt like we were buddies) and taking a moment or two to see how everything in life is connected. It was a really beautiful and much needed prayer moment.

Pajama Days
Yesterday was a much needed day off.  We stayed in our pajamas all day long.  It was GREAT.  At one point, Aaron was curled up and lil’ Aaron was tucked in his side playing with his toys. I, of course, started crying because I can’t believe I get to live this life with my two boys.  Big Aaron scratched my back till I fell asleep at 9:30 pm. I have not gone to bed that relaxed in a couple of months. I slept ten hours. It was awesome, it was great, I feel refreshed and ready to go!  God is good. Pajama days are AWESOME!

Is this normal
My son screams like this (below) all the time!  Is this normal?  I would love some answers on this because sometimes I worry that he does it because he is ‘too stimulated’ during the day. Or, that is mother is SO LOUD that he is learning this is how to communicate.  Thoughts? 

1 comment:

  1. In a word, yes.

    Your next kid might be so quiet that you worry he's deaf.

    Welcome to the rest of your life.
