
Monday, June 11, 2012

Prayer Request...

Gratuitous picture of my massive 1st son :)
...if you please... I am putting this in blog form because I want to be really clear about the prayers we are requesting and ask that not too many opinions be given:) As many of you know, lil' Aaron was born via C-section. It was a choice we made based on the facts we had, and we are very comfortable with the outcome and our birth story. I know where many people stand in terms of c-section and trust me, c-section mammas have heard it all before. So, what would NOT be helpful following this blog post is a bunch of opinions on birthing options. What I would love is the following. If our child can stay normal sized and labor occurs before the 40 week point, the chances of us being able to have a natural birth are strongly increased. We obviously want what is best for the health of our child and thankfully, we really trust our doctor...but having another Cesarean section will put future pregnancies at great risk. Being that I come from a VERY fertile family and Aaron/and I are open to God's plan for our children...future pregnancies are more than likely in the cards. SO...a natural labor this time is desperately wanted by both of us. It will take away a lot of stress in the next 5-10 years if we can put ourselves on track for natural births in the future.

My request is this. Those of you that are the praying type, if you can add us to your family and personal prayer lists. The prayer would be that we go into labor naturally before the 40 week mark and that our child continues to measure at regular size and stays under the 9 pound range. I am sure many of you have stories about women who have had vbacs post 40 weeks and over 9 pounds, but that is the criteria our doctor and we are comfortable with in an attempt for a natural labor. SO...if you don't mind, as we head towards the homestretch, please add us to your prayer lists. For real for real. Like, right now, add us :) Okay thanks.


  1. You got 'em! And the angle of that last pic really does make him look huge! But still one of the cutest babies ever :)

    1. Ha! That is why I called it a gratuitous picture :) It is the best angle!!!

  2. U got it, but if you end up having a c, be a REAL woman and do it without drugs.

    1. Holy Crap B- I just laughed, REALLY loud in my family room. job well done.

  3. You go it, prayers on the way. Come on VBAC!
    Holy-moly no wonder you had a c-sec. I don't think my kids were that big at 3 months! Are you sure about the title "little" Aaron?? lol You're an awesome momma, hang in there.

  4. I happen to be at work (Solanus Casey Center) so I will put your special request on Venerable Solanus' tomb. Sally

  5. Praying for you. As a mom who has had 3 c-sections (and complications from the last) I know where you are coming from. With that being said, even if you have a c-section this time, it may not affect the number of children you can have. I have read stories of women who have 8 c-sections, all safely, etc. So, it really is a case by case basis. But again, I totally know where you are coming from. I prayed do hard to have a natural birth after my first c-section. God had other plans though!

  6. Wanting a healthy, happy baby is the best birth plan :) You are in our prayers, and I can't wait to see your next little bundle.

    God's Will be done! xo

  7. p.s. I read your comment on my post, and I am going to read your post tonight too. Thanks for your support :)

  8. St Gerard prayers coming right up!

    I gotta say - judging by the shot you gave us of "little" Aaron, you are brave just to think about having another! My biggest was just over half his size! OY!

    best wishes and lots of prayers for you all and your intentions


  9. St. Perpetua, St. Felicity, St. Gerard, St. Raymond, St. Gianna Please pray for the Wilkersons! I love you!!!!
