
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Merry Wilkerson Christmas... pictures
Our Tree.  Sweet girlie Faith took this picture for us

Aaron gettin' all did up for the big day (Christmas Eve party and Mass)

My lovey, before we discovered he was sick :(

Handsome Boy and his Auntie

Sweet boy enjoying his rocking horse from Busie and Har Har

I feel like he looks like my own little 'Elf on the Shelf' in this picture

This picture is not doing justice to the amount of love in Joey's eyes for his brother.

Lil' A is working on not using his paci...Joseph suffers as a consequence

New Tradition of Daddy reading the story of Jesus' birthday before we all go to bed.

Maybe the best money ever spent for a toddler trying to understand Advent. I highly suggest it

He was SO excited to put the baby Jesus in the manger


The totally overpriced, but totally worth it Mass Kit that we (me) bought the boys. I say me because I think the sweet husband pretty much had a heart attack when he saw the price.

Maybe a bit sadistic but this is my favorite picture from the day. Lil' A's reaction to finding out he can only have ONE mini-snickers

Love that boy, he recovered quickly

Mama's sick boy just needed to be held

Aaron is the breakfast maker

Second favorite picture from the festivities

Aaron hit the CAR jackpot

His suitcase of cars

In the evening, finally feeling good enough to play with his presents

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas to your sweet family. I think I've said this before, but you NEED to get your boys a modeling gig. I would buy whatever they're selling!
