
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My thoughts on BXVI's decision...

...with a little bit of sass.


There is such beauty in Pope Benedict XVI being self-aware enough, humble enough, trusting enough, to make the decision to step down from the papacy. My favorite definition of humility is “knowing who you are before God, nothing more and nothing less”.  What a witness to humility our dear Holy Father is.  That being said, the implication that Pope John Paul II ‘should’ have stepped down, or ‘wanted’ to step down is redonkulous.  I have read SO.MANY. REPORTS, and heard SO.MANY.PEOPLE. say, ‘oh, if only John Paul II had the courage to do this…’ etc.. etc… What you have there, my friends, is a simple misreading of the two drastically different Popes.  JPII, an extrovert, used his sickness, age, etc…to witness to the world a beautiful kind of suffering.  His CHOICE to stay in the papal office until the day of his death provided many of us a spectacular witness of humility. A similar humility to that of Pope Benedict XVI.  Thanks Holy Fathers, you have taught us a lot.

I enjoy the people acting as though they were not surprised by this unprecedented (in any sort of recent history) move.  You were surprised, stop lying.

The speculations regarding who the next pope will be are very funny.  No one knows, stop acting like you do.

Anyone with any type of true understanding regarding the nature of the Roman Catholic Church knows that “Traditions” with a capital T are not going to change, no matter who is elected pope.  Might I suggest, in the upcoming weeks, if you are receiving your news from a source that speculates electing a pope who might modernize the Church’s teaching…that you seek another source.  
***Certain Church teachings are NEVER going to change.***
The Church will always be opposed to the ‘trigger issues’ secular culture would like us to change.  Lemme give you a hint.  The Church will ALWAYS say  birth control, gay sex, and abortion are in opposition to God’s plan for sexuality and life.  And the Church will ALWAYS say that women cannot be ordained.  Oh, and she will ALWAYS say that you cannot judge people and must welcome all with open arms.  If you are waiting/hoping/speculating that a more ‘forward thinking’ Holy Father will be chosen to take the Church out of the dark ages…you are wasting your time.  If you are receiving news from a source that indicates it is a possibility, you are receiving news from a source that clearly does not understand the Church, the Magisterium and of course, the Papacy.

Cardinal Dolan CAN be elected.  Sure, he probably won’t be.  But to say an American will NEVER be elected is crazy talk.  AND, to act like a desire to want one’s favorite Cardinal (i.e. Dolan) to be elected shows a lack of understanding the greater Church…well, that is super crazy talk.  Yes, I know my fav. has a very VERY small chance, but I’m still rooting for him!  Go Dolan Go!!!!

That is all. Please carry on.


  1. Lol! Was #2 directed at me?? I was surprised when I first heard (I mean I wasn't like "hey, no big deal, I was waiting for that") but I wasn't like "Oh my GOSH how can this BE???" picking my jaw off the ground sort of thing like many seemed to be when I was reading different posts. Of course, I'm a weirdo so when I hear big news, I take it like it's normal but when I find out that the husband will be five minutes late from work I freak out like it's the worst news in the world. And I literally have to keep myself from smiling when I hear someone has died. Isn't that so macabre??? So yeah, weirdo. Anyhow, good thoughts. Can Chaput be Dolan's vice-pope? It works like that, right?

    1. No way, not at you, even kind of. I think you were surprised, but not shocked at the reality. Obviously, I work for the Church, so many, MANY people are pretending like they 'saw it coming'. And I am like "really? you saw it coming???". I could go off a bit more about this, but, you never know who reads this, and I don't want to get in trouble!

  2. I just feel bad because I never gave Pope Benedict all my "love" like I did to Pope John Paul. I feel like Benedict is the Pope I never knew. Which is all my fault, not his. Maybe in his leaving, I can learn more about him. Better late than never, I suppose.

    1. Yes. I've had some of the same feelings, Colleen!

    2. I feel the same, but, I am not sure we ever could have felt the same 'love' for pope Benedict. as an introvert, he expressed himself so differently than JPII. It's interesting though...

    3. JPII was so much younger when he became pope as well, so I think that played into it too. Benedict was just so much older when he became Pope and that, I think, really affected how people saw him.

      I thought the same too Colleen, until I got to see him in person. When I would even see JP II on TV, I would cry. Before I was feet away from Benedict, I was convinced I would not be as moved by him. But, when in his presence, I lost it. His gentleness and holiness were so profound.

      And I cried when I found out he was stepping down.

  3. I <3 this! I share a lot of the same feelings. Am fortunate to have seen both JP II and Benedict, up close at WYD. Now, my friend, we will have a new Pope to go see :)

  4. Mary-
    The second . . . so funny!

    #5 - I am rooting for him too! My hubby reminded me that Dolan was not supposed to be elected the head of the USCCB either! We were joking about what he would be like at the Vatican! One of my boys even prayed, last night, that Dolan would be elected Pope!!

    And you forgot #6 ----- I have seen that this is definitely the sign of the coming Tribulation . . . we are officially in the end times. Haven't you heard that one too?? Maybe I find myself in wacky circles!

    1. KATIE! I meant to write that one as well. Isn't this next guy suppose to be the anti-pope?!?!?!

    2. I think. There are lots of "theories". Everyone talks about the St Malachy prophecy and that the next Pope is the last one. From what everyone is sharing, Benedict is the last "true" pope and, during the reign of the next, Rome and the church will be destroyed.

    3. Bummer, good thing I have plans to hit up confession this weekend.

  5. I have purposefully been avoiding all mainstream media on this because I can only imagine the drivel borne out of either ignorance or malice that is being posted. Ugh.

    I said something similar to a friend regarding number 1 - we are so blessed to have two beautiful Popes that have provided us with such examples. They each did it in their own way. And I feel the same way about my love for JPII - I always respected and loved Benedict as the Pope but I feel like I LOVED JPII (even though I never met him) in a more personal way, haha. But he was Pope before I was born, until I graduated from college. To me when I hear 'Pope' that is still what I think of. And I feel like I didn't even really appreciate him fully until he was gone - I was actually looking forward to reading some of Pope Benedict's writings this Lent in an attempt to read writings while the Pope was in office. Ooops!

    As for four...yeah...I don't even want to hear it. But they said it when JPII died and they were wrong then too. ;)

  6. You're adorable, and right! Read my quick take on the subject and tell me what you think..

  7. You are sassy and awesome! Great post.
