
Friday, July 12, 2013

7 Quick Takes in which we travel...

Today is our sweet baby boy, Joseph Michael’s first birthday!  Because have been on the road, I don’t have a chance to write him a proper letter…that will occur this weekend.  BUT, isn't it amazing to think of how good God is and can be in one year?  Our lives at this time last year were a little less joyful until that baby boy brought us his smile.  I cannot believe a year has gone by and my sweet baby is now talking (ish) walking (ish) and driving us crazy with his curiosity!  We love you Joey, thank you God for the gift of our second son.
Happy First Birthday!!!
So, um…yesterday, this happened! 
That's my man
And, apparently (unless people are lying) we didn't sound like complete idiots (excluding my debt free scream, which I decided to go ‘all in’ for!).  Which is nice, because on a nationally syndicated talk show, there are A LOT of people listening (six million…what?!?!) Lots of reflections on how cool it was to be in the lobby of Financial Peace Plaza, but mostly, I am just swelling with pride to be married to a guy like Aaron. 
AND…this also happened. 
Please note Little A's Face!
Lil’ A, who is actually QUITE mild mannered in his old age, completely lost his SHIZNATCH when it was time to meet Dave Ramsey. I mean LOST it. I mean, ear piercing screams, everyone turning to stare, total meltdown.  At least we have a picture to remember the moment.
Some of our closest and dearest friends met us (Paul and Ann) at the show to hang out and thankful (and unexpectedly) watch the boys whilst we were interviewed.  They are the ones that first encouraged us to really follow the Financial Freedom plan, and with that encouragement our lives have been a bit changed.  PLUS, they are totally awesome and have a sweet new baby girl to play with.   Seeing them was awesome, which was nice because…
The Coakley's

Turns out, traveling with children totally sucks.  Well, let me restate.  Traveling with a 2 year old, 1 year old and 7.5 months pregnant in a Saturn Ion with a week’s worth of stuff,  totally sucks.  It is enough of a bummer that we have decided we are going to go home a day early.  The kids aren't sleeping (or eating, which is weird), and that has left them in pretty cranky places.   I have been pretty sick, not really sleeping and can’t get comfortable no matter where I am.  Big A is congested but has been the biggest trooper of patience and positive words to hold this little family unit together.  We tried to rally, but for the sanity of all have decided to throw In the white towel and head home. The HUGE bummer is on the agenda today was heading to Paul/Ann’s farm for the night for some good fellowship and lots of fun.  C’est la vie. 
The good news, I read Jenna’s Quick Take’s this morning.  In one of them, she reflected on meeting Dwija (are you still praying for her and the baby/family?  Cause you should be).  One thing she learned from Dwija is after having kids, you can’t get back to how things ‘normally would be’, rather, you need to adjust to your new normal.  This is a lesson the Wilkerson's are still learning.  Throughout some of the challenges of this trip (and it hasn't been super bad, we just all need a little more sleep and freaking Kentucky/Tennessee need to figure out their traffic reality) Aaron keeps saying, ‘it’s been a learning experience’.  We just need to learn to adjust things a little in order to do road trips.  Good stuff.
And, finally, last night the boys were so tired…they decided to fall asleep like this.  So, clearly, we took pictures! 
looks comfortable no?


For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Happy birthday, Joseph!! I'm so happy I got to hear you! And you really did make me cry! Hope the travels get better. It really really is hard and we've had to make people mad sometimes with our decisions to not take on travels during certain seasons. Prayers you all get some rest!

    1. oh foze, that is too sweet. I will tell you, when I was talking about the SAHM thing, I almost started crying. It's so exciting that we get to have choices now in regards to that (now that we don't owe people money). And yeah, travel?!?! Who the heck knew? I swear, when it comes to parenting, I was pretty darn sure I had it all figured out, until the babies actually came! :)

  2. Can totally relate to making a vow not to travel with a toddler! When my mild mannered Megan was 15 months we decided to accompany my husband on a short business trip to Elkhart IN. We left in the evening after my husband got out of class (he was going to night school at UM-Dearborn.) I figured she'd sleep on the way down. OHHH NOOO! She cried all the way down. When we arrived at the hotel at midnight she was wide awake and refusing to settle down. I drove her around for a bit and she did fall asleep. Carefully took her up the flight of stairs to our hotel room only for her to wake up crying. Calmed her down and slowly laid her down on the bed next to me. At 3:30 in the morning she fell off the bed and screamed (don't blame her) for 1/2 hour. (We could hear guests in the other rooms gathering up their belongings and leaving.) I made sure I stayed up the rest of the night guarding her once she fell back to sleep. It makes a good story now....

    1. Yeah, I mean, it is insanity. It's the total breakdowns that are happening at random moments that we've had enough of. Plus, I really feel bad for the boys, they are so tired! And, of course, I feel very bad for myself being pregnant and in a car taking care of two boys in the back as well :( lol. Minivan, can't get here soon enough!

  3. was yesterday *the* debt-free scream day? I would love to go back to the archives and hear it. I'm so happy for you & Dave Ramsey is one of my biggest heroes! Congratulations!

    1. Sure was! We did it at 3:30, it was so awesome. BUT, I totally made a fool outta myself screaming, and my husband said he would join, but didn't! lol.

  4. WAHOOO!! You were on the Dave Ramsey Show! Awesome! I am a huge fan of D.R.! SO proud of you!! Wish I would have known so I could have listened!!
