
Friday, October 18, 2013

7 Quick Takes- Life is Good Edition

Good things a' happening in the Wilkerson Household.  The ol' husband scored himself a new job.  He will be working for a fancy company (pool table/ping pong table/wear jeans/beer in the fridge on Fridays- TRUE STORY) as of November 11th.  We are really excited!
These were the flowers Big A surprised me with when we found out he got the job. I REALLY wanted him to get it.  It is a smaller company, but a caring company that does a lot of outreach. I am so pumped.  Also, it's pretty awesome to have him bring me flowers to celebrate HIS job.  He rocks.

To celebrate the husband brought us to IHOP, because we classy like that.  It was our first time at a restaurant as a family of five (I still can't believe we are a family of five).  The kids did okay, we survived, but we decided IHOP is about as classy as we will be getting for awhile.

Speaking of celebrating...let's throw me a little party.  Why, you ask?  When we began to seriously let the reality of three kids in diapers sink in, I was scared that I would never EVER be able to leave the house. I told the ol' husband, it would probably be a few months before I'd be confident enough to go places.  WRONG!  On Tuesday, I went to the Cider Mill, with three children, on my own.  And guess what?  It kind of rocked!  WOOT WOOT :)

For those of you in the 'know' in case you missed it...what's my excuse?  My excuse is that I didn't know I needed one.
Oh, the little dude became a Saint :)  I love me some John Paul Francis and we are so blessed. So very very blessed.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Congrats to Aaron and John Paul and the whole fam!

  2. Fries=sadness. Lol!

  3. "What's my excuse? I didn't know I needed one."


  4. IHOP is hard! Is it only ours, or is the wait for food as long at IHOPS everywhere? Nice visiting your blog, your boys are beautiful!
