
Thursday, November 7, 2013

7 Quick Takes-

So, I gotta tell you, I am having a weird reaction to the pictures everyone keeps posting about the Pope embracing that man, the one with the boils all over his body.  Now, let me be clear, I am not judging those of you who have been moved by the imagines, I get it, which is why I am saying MY reaction is weird.  But like, to me, for some reason, it is seeming like people are saying, 'look, the pope would EVEN hold and embrace someone who is repulsive'!  And, I don't know, I just think 1) we shouldn't be shocked 2) it can't feel good to him that everyone is celebrating the fact that his 'repulsion' is being embraced.  Don't be mad it me, I called it a weird reaction.  anyone else? No?  just me. okay.
Another social media weird reaction...everyone keeps sharing this thing about marriage that states 'Marriage is not about you'.  And people were like ROCKED by it.  Not to be all like 'THAT GIRL' but for real?  This is news to you?  Followed freaking wonder the divorce rate is so high.  Wow, that sounded sassy.  I know some people shared it because it was exciting to see it in print, but to me it sent all kinds of red flags that people were so shocked by this.  I read the article three times, no joke, trying to see what was so revolutionary about it.  Enough of THAT GIRL.
So, I had an insightful conversation with my ministry partner the other day.  SNAPCHAT is the bees knees (yes, I did just say 'bees knees) with young people. And it is super dumb.  And it is really only a 'thing' for getting into trouble with the illusion of privacy.  BUT, some kids use it in ways that are not inappropriate.  Which doesn't take away from the dumbness of the app.  So, we were discussing, and started to think a bit on how drastically social media has changed our reality.  To the point where we can't even see the appeal of something that SO MANY young people (easily 75% of teens I talk to) think is SO AWESOME.   And the thing is, it doesn't matter if we don't get it.  To them it is important, so to needs to matter.  But, I guess what I am saying, is the divide is getting bigger.
That's a lot of heavy.  One more (maybe after this quick take, no one is gonna want to read my blog anymore?!?!), then I promise light and fluffy stuff.  Have you ever felt completely validated by something that you always suspected, but it didn't seem like a lot of other people thought?  One word.  Medjugorje.  Carry on.
Our ipad is shattered.  Started by lil' A, and completed by me. Now, you fantastic moms are not going to relate, but those of you that use parenting short cuts are totally going to appreciate this next part.  We have found a routine 'round these parts that really works.  Part of that routine, is between 8:30-9:30 am 2/3 of my children sleep and the other 1/3 plays on the ipad (apps and youtube) whilst I drink my coffee, work emails (work!?!?! more on that later), read the news, blogs, etc....  It has been awesome.  It has made my mornings so smooth, by 9:30 am we are all ready to go!  So, our ipad is shattered.  I have been severely off my game this week. sad.
BOLD MINISTRIES continues to be awesome and I continue to be just a bit over committed to it.  Like, more work than SJN ever was overcommited.  BUT, darn it, I love it so much.  SO, say a prayer.  Husband Aaron and I are continuing to discern and discuss what this might mean and how to go about next semester.  Speaking of the ol' husband.  He is the best.  I 'worked' Mon, Tues, Wed and by today kind of had it.  I called him and was sassy and nasty. I may/may not have hung up on him after a tirade about how he didn't understand my life.  Followed by feeling like crap and apologizing five minutes later.  And he, well, he was just perfect.  Instead of freaking the freak on me, he was calm, he told me I am doing a good job, he told me we would have to figure this out and he would support me in trying to get it figured out.  Please don't tell him I said so, but he really is the best.
I know I am suppose to 'play' with my toddlers and keep them engaged.  BUT, I don't love messes and short attention spans, so sometimes we struggle around these parts.  BUT, today...I hit a major score.  I am not sure if someone gave me this idea or if it was sheer brilliance.  First, we tore pages of construction paper while naming the colors.  We let them fall all over the ground.  Then, we gathered them up in a pot and stirred them.  THEN, we served our 'soup' into bowls.  Repeat process. again. and again. and again.  Best. activity. ever.  Craft, sensory, mom ever?  I think so!  Oh, and I made dinner every.night.this.week. BOOM. Drop the mic.  And...I'm out.

(yes John, I DID just steal your line.  Happy Friday (almost).

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. "BOOM. Drop the mic. And...I'm out."

    HAHAHA I died!

  2. #4- I actually had to look up what you were referring to. I have not heard anything about Medjugore for YEARS. I knew there were questions and doubts. I thought of it much like Garaubendal (I think I just butchered the spelling of that town's name). Now, it seems like that is correct.

    #1- I am a promoter of that picture on Facebook. I think I am drawn to it because, for me, it shows how much of a "hands on" Pope Pope Francis is. It is just like all the photos of him with babies and disabled children and adults. That is not to say the other Popes did not do that, but I think, just due to age (JP II's and Benedict's), we have not seen that in a long time and it is so good to see. When Pete was in Rome, he remarked about about just how long it took the Pope and the popemobile to get out of mass or the crowds, because Pope Francis was always hopping out to bless another person, kiss a baby etc. That is so much of what I love and have missed seeing. And that is what those pictures of the Pope with the man with boils shows to me.

    #7- Sensory activities- You are way ahead of me! I did not even know I was supposed to do them with my kids until a few years ago! I never had my kids play with beans or different textures . . . we played blocks and puzzles, etc. So you are doing a GREAT job!

    1. #4- Me too
      #1-Yeah, I totally get that! This holy Father is really something else. So much fun to watch.
      #7- I kind of say 'sensory' with a mocking tone, because I am not even sure what it means ;) Like, playing with things and using smell, touch, taste, sound right? Score!

  3. The Pope Francis pics made me cry, but then again, I am severely pregnant. And not on facebook anymore, so I was not overexposed to the images but saw them only once, and probably much later than everyone else did.

    Medj. Um, yeah. With you there, sister. Never 'got' it either, which it turns out, is fine.

    I'm feeling very validated by my practice of giving Joey scissors and letting him cut up magazines and sprinkle the scraps everywhere in the kitchen after seeing your awesome homeschool session. Nailed it.

    1. It's pretty much the only time in the last three years I have done something fun, so it needed to be documented. The imagines were really beautiful, stunning even, but it seemed like the world was really exploiting a private moment, if that makes sense?

  4. Mary - Totally agree with your number 1! Totally.

    1. Whew, not just me. I was starting to think I was a little bit crazy.

  5. This entire post is making me feel really out of the loop. I just read a little bit about the Medjugorje thing and I can't figure out what new thing has actually been said? Except that this supposed visionary cannot come and speak/'see' things in parish churches? Which I would think prudence would make obvious but I guess not... I'm probably missing a bunch.

    That marriage article I did see. For us who have been immersed in a Catholic understanding of marriage, you're right. Unfortunately, for the rest of the world, the idea that marriage (and love itself) is not primarily about being fulfilled or happy really is revolutionary. Evidenced by my mother in law who is divorcing my father in law after 30 years of marriage. Please pray for them. It really really sucks.

    Also, what are sensory activities? ;)

    1. Yup. With Medjugorje, I think the danger was making private revelation, Church experience through devotion . It seems like the local bishops for a while have been trying to halt it, I am glad the Vatican was definitive on it.

      And, that's kind of what I meant about the marriage article. I found it shocking how many of my 'friends ' were 'sharing' it because it seems like it should be obvious, but at this point in our culture, it really isn't. Friend, I will be praying for Brian, his family and your family. That is really hard stuff. Sucks so much. I had been praying for brian's family since you asked last month, but what a bummer that it would be something like that :(

  6. Yes on #4...even though I know it really helped a lot of people in their faith life (my Mom being one of them) but it always struck me as being too commercialized.

    1. That's how I have felt. And the devotion sometimes felt more about the visionaries than the BVM- if that makes sense?

  7. My husband told me about the hoopla over Medj. the other day...nothing new to me. My thought is...Yes I believe it is happening and yes it is real but the church can not condone such things as they usually have not done in the past. I think its real since there are so many other ppl that have collaborated that it happened/ing and not just like one person. Its entirely possible. But, we don't need it to be true or not--we have the Church, the Saints, Mary already...its just extra stuff. if you kwim.

    when I saw that picture of the man I thought...thank you Jesus, that isn't me! LOL. Poor guy and yes I am thankful that I have different challenges.

    few people understand marriage truly in 2013. I thought I understood it as I was very well learned in the faith when I got married. almost 17 years later I see now that I didn't even fully grasp it even though I knew and understood much then. It takes many years of ups and downs and mental and emotional growth to fully mature a marriage. I can't stand those dress shows and wedding shows on TV. i think that is contributing to the negative cultural view--its not just one day or one party--this is the hardest journey of your life.

    the teenagers and social media...with a teenager myself--I tell people all the time, This is a very different world to be a teenager in now than when I was a teenager. It is VERY different.

  8. Hey there Mary - real quick on the marriage blog post. I posted not because I was shocked by it, but rather I have a lot of friends who are not Catholic (or even Christian) who have been married in the past few years. In speaking and ministering to them, I thought it would be a good idea to post to plant the seed and hopefully let the Spirit begin to bless their marriages. :)

  9. The marriage article continues to fascinate. I think it was good at giving a simple, yet positive vision as to what marriage ought to be (I mean positive more in the technical sense of advising what a good marriage is and not just talk about what marriage shouldn't be). As you can see, people need to hear stuff like that. Even though people know that's true and want something different, they have no idea where to begin.

    P.S. If you didn't dig the marriage blog, you'd better not read the rebuttals to it, unless you want to work yourself up into a fit of sass. :)
