
Friday, December 6, 2013

7 Quick Takes- little bit of joy, little bit of sass

So, I think there is tremendous value in simple living and not giving children 'too much'. I actually think a huge part of the problem we have in our society is having too much stuff, without the expectation of work (rights and RESPONSIBILITIES).  So, I'm not gonna lie, I may have severely judged parents in the past that I think go way too overboard with gifts/presents.  Until last night.  It's St. Nicholas know, the day where some pieces of candy might appear in your shoes if you leave them out.  Well, I kind of went a  The thing is, I just couldn't stop when I thought about the joy these little gifts would bring the boys. I think resisting the temptation to spoil children is gonna be harder than I thought.  Lesson learned.  But, holy cute are those slippers!!!!
no self control!
Sisters weekend is just over a week away.  Excited much?!?!  I think so.  Let's just pray my sisters and I can hang out for a full 24 hours without wanting to kill each other, Aaron says it is doubtful.
Warning- Scrooge McDuck here. I actually cannot HANDLE the current National Conversation on minimum wage.  Now, read this VERY CAREFULLY...I am totally okay with examining if it needs to raise, to MINIMALLY ensure basic rights are taken care of (read- basic). BUT  $15 (starting wage) to work at McDonalds is about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of.  And, I am TERRIFIED at the amount of people, particularly the young, who think it is necessary.  Entitlement in this country has gotten so out of control.  I cannot handle it. For realz.  And, before you start...lemme just say, I worked mininum wage jobs, LOTS of them. In fact, I worked three of them, at one time, for two years (jr. and sr. in high school) 40 hours a week, whilst completing high school. So DON'T.EVEN.GO.THERE.
I'm going on a retreat this weekend.  A personal retreat.  Can you believe it?  With the 'Oprah Nuns' (Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist). I have not been on a personal retreat in about 8 years (I know, I know). I am so excited.  And, weirdly enough, a bit nervous.  Hanging out with holy rollers for a whole weekend...can I handle it?  (just kidding- kind of!).  Truth be told, like many moms I'm sure, now that it is here, I kind of wish I never signed up. I have like, a kazillion things to do, I don't LOVE to be away from the kids and husband, etc... BUT, I have a sneaky suspicion I am going to be so grateful once there.  Say a prayer things go well, judging from Quick Take #3, I could use a little more charity in my heart!
Advent is awesome.  And we are starting very exciting traditions that are so lovely (thanks to the suggestions of so many in the blogging world).  My favorite, that will be a keeper?  Each night, before bed (after pajamas) we go out in the family room.  All lights go out except the tree and we light the advent candle and sing the first verse of "O Come O Come Emmanuel".  Each week, we will add a new candle and another verse.  It's so cute, lil' A can't sing the words yet, but he hums along and makes up his own words.  Awesome-sauce and a fantastic way to end the day.
So, I have taken A LOT of heat on facebook regarding my 'Angel on a Shelf"  She comes announcing glad tidings every morning (think 'Elf on the Shelf' catechetical version). Now listen, I'm not the most creative person in the world, so I'll admit, in hindsight, having her come, bringing a banana one morning this week probably wasn't the MOST fun idea.  At least I didn't post the picture of when she arrived bringing flash cards. mom, I am not!
Oh, she brought a banana on top of the Fantasy Football Trophy.  Woot woot.
Were you wondering how John Paul is doing.  You guys, he is a JOY.  The best baby with the most kissable cheeks.  More than any other child of mine, in this newborn stage, I just love staring at him.  He has this crooked smile that lights up his whole face.  And his laugh, oh my. Is there anything better than a newborn laugh?  Anything?  sigh... Well, actually there is, the newborn half laugh they do while they are sleeping.  Dear Jesus, help me to remember we should wait a hot second before having another.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. I haven't been on a retreat since our engaged encounter retreat...I think that should be a goal in the new year for me. As far as your Sister's weekend. I am proud to say that my sister and I got along very smoothly this Thanksgiving. First one ever where a husband didn't have to remove a wife for a "time out."

  2. Oh my goodness, your angel is HILARIOUS! Haters, why WOULDN'T an angel bring a banana? Tell me THAT. I think my friend Lori might be going to the same retreat! How fun is that? She invited me to come and I may be regretting it a little more now that I know you're going to be there!

    And oh crud, don't get me started on the minimum wage thing. Are people that short sighted that they really don't get what raising the minimum wage that much would do? Really?
