
Thursday, January 30, 2014

7 Quick Takes- I'm about to make you laugh. because I am funny.

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So, I am sure you are shocked that the ol' sister and I didn't win the fancy Sheenazing Awards (collective sigh...).  BUT, fear not, there is still good that can come from this!  Go check out the winners and some of their blogs. Off the hook goodness.
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The Rolling Stone Magazine Article didn't make me too mad. Though, it is apparently filled with lies and of course false spin.  That being said, I think Pope Francis is just flippin' a lot of scripts right now. I'll have more to say on that in a future blog.
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We had our fancy presentation this week on a Pastoral Response to Homosexuality.  The evaluations were overwhelmingly positive, and I am very thankful for that. It was by far the most difficult presentation we have ever given, but a fruitful one hopefully.  Of course, there were a handful of evals that said funny things.  Isn't it funny how you can read seventeen thousand nice things, but focus on the one critique.  I did have a few favorites.  I'm going to share them, they will make you smile.  I will also share my responses.
"I find the self-deprecating humor tiring"
- touche my friend. I'm just such an idiot! (do you see what I did there? I mean, how awesome was that)
"These people are too young to have any say on this topic and have no real life experience with the issue"
- dude. you don't know me....annnnd, that couldn't be farther from the truth.
"Too loud, Too fast..."
- I warned you!
My personal favorite...
"telling someone who disagrees with the Church to go 'talk to pope Francis' is both flippant and unpastoral"
-  maybe, but when you are in front of a 100 or so Church professionals and got the guts to say it, one has to acknowledge the awesome.  :)
But for real, most said lovely things.
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Hey- keep praying for discernment for me.  God was all like, 'feel that on your heart girlie...I want you to be a SAHM' 2 years ago. I am one now. I love it. I love being with my kids.  But, there are other (less important btw) things I love.  I am trying to figure out how to achieve balance.  Maybe that's gonna be the story of my life.
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I mean...Who DOESN'T love the 1-D song, 'Story of My Life'
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YOU.GUYS. I left my house for the first time in 3 weeks with the kids today to attend a MOPS meeting.  Couple things. 1) Turns out, leaving one's house is a game-changer for emotion.  Oh and the sun is nice.  And yes, it sucked actually LEAVING the house, and coming back (due to the amount of layers, planning, etc... it takes to do it).  BUT, the sun and break from monotony was totally worth it. Today was the best day we have had in awhile. 2) MOPS is awesome.  No joke. I'm sold, hook, line and sinker.
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Hey look! We played in the snow for the first time on Sunday.  The boys loved it. And I loved them loving it!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Lol "too loud. Too fast" DID THEY KNOW WHO THEY WERE GOING TO SEE? I see that as a good thing in speakers because that usually means they are passionate on the topic. also side comment, I don't read your blog as often as I should and it's making me realize that I haven't really talked to you in 5ever (even longer than 4ever)! Hope you and all of your boys are doing well!

  2. I'm back and you are in my "favorites"!!

    Oh, my those boys are soooooo sweet.

    Love the's always in my head now!

  3. I came over here from Jenna's giveaway because I loved your comment and I thought it was so appropriate (and such a good reminder in my young family as well) that liturgical living, like everything we teach kids, has to start small! I loved your idea about making a big deal about the things you choose to do. I definitely want to do a birthday cake for Christmas next year!
