
Friday, October 24, 2014

7 Quick Tags, with hashtags #causetheyareawesome

So, it's been a couple weeks without the quick takes!  My goodness friends in blogging world, life has been crazy busy, but crazy good. I anticipated September and October were going to be a bit of a wild ride and I anticipated correct.  Yesterday was John Paul's 1st year well check up and instead of telling the doctor I was a SAHM, I said I do part time work in ministry.  Gotta admit reality my friends.  #truthshallsetyoufree

We finally are getting recordings of our presentation (hey, lemme know if you want to see what we do!), and that is a lovely thing.  What's not so lovely is watching yourself give presentations.  So, apparently, I say 'right?' every thirty two seconds.  It's so annoying, it's a wonder I have been able to make this a part-time job!  #gottaworkonthat

Tuesday night, little Aaron fell asleep in my arms.  It was such a beautiful moment.  I am no fool, I know the days of him being held are numbered, and that very well could have been the last time my little/big guy falls asleep on me.  I made sure to capture the moment in my heart.  #holdontothesemomentsastheypass

Let's talk synod for a second. I could go OFF if I wanted to on two camps of people who done ticked me off. I could go off and name names of people who I think are completely missing the point. I could go OFF about the amount of stupid articles that were shared on 'the interwebs', articles making my blood boil.  But, instead I will just say this.  I found the tension of the synod on the family refreshing.  We are living in fascinating times, in our post-Christian culture and anyone who thinks this doesn't call for a new type of evangelization- is completely missing the point.  I find it comforting that even at the highest levels of theological thought, there is a 'messiness' when it comes to figuring out how to best love people.  Even at the highest levels, there is a 'messiness' present when living in the tension of adapting to culture with our language, and yet still preserving unchangeable doctrine.   Sometimes, those of us who adhere to the doctrine of the Church, we think we've got it all figured out.  But, frankly we don't.  Learning to love people is a heart-stretching activity...and I think the synod fathers showed us that. #loveismessy

Two things about driving.  First- Since having kids, I hate driving on the highway and I hate passing accidents on the highway.  Second- Since having kids, when I drive by myself in the car 99.9% of the time, I do so in silence.  Silence is so rare these days, I live for it. #grownupsh#$

We have our first Saturday with no plans since August tomorrow.  Three choices are in play.  1) Pajama Day 2) Aaron/I leave to go to watch the game with friends or at a bar and get a sitter for the boys 3) A spontaneous overnight trip to Grand Rapids starting tonight.  What do you think we should do? #decisions

Aaron doesn't know his letters.  Well, he can say them, but doesn't recognize or write them yet.  He is 3.5 years.  On a scale of 1-10 how much of an issue is this? #helpasisterout

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. 4. I always love hearing your perspective. And I've learned WELL over the past years to keep my mouth closed and not make snap decisions or judgements about pretty much anything. Especially when in this day and age the subject of outrage will be forgotten in a day and a half. I'm just listening and waiting on this whole thing.

    6. Depends on how hectic things have been. A day out with friends sounds nice to me but I've been having lots of lay on the couch days lately :)

    7. 1 - He'll get them. He's still little. It's funny how I noticed all that stuff more with the first and now I'm like, "oh, wait. David's five. I should probably do something."


  2. Love your take on the Synod. Go to the game. Not sure the letters are a big thing just yet, maybe a 4; writing can be hard for little hands
