
Tuesday, January 27, 2015


What does it mean to LIVE LIKE PAUL?

In the almost 17 years of friendship I had with Paul, I learned a lot about how to live.  I still lose my breath sometimes when I think that my friendship with him will now be expressed through prayer vs. spontaneous trips and uncontrollable laughter.  Living like Paul means a lot of things to me.

It means not being afraid to reach out to others, even if that means putting myself on the line.
It means holding back on the unkind word, even when I really want to say it.
It means starting each day with prayer, and getting to Mass when I can.
It means eating a lot of candy, and only occasionally brushing my teeth.
It means being up for adventure, any day, any time.
It means loud music and silly dances.
It means giant hugs to all those I know and love.
It means trusting things will work out, even if you're on a road trip and your tire shreds and the breaks stop working.
It means having an intimate relationship with the saints and angels
It means loving my spouse unselfishly.
It means praying with my children.
It means pushing my children to be adventurous and holding my breath while they climb things.
It means knowing when to take the serious things, seriously
It means playing with things that fly in the air like helicopters and airplanes
It means dirty finger nails from too much fun.
It means working hard, even when you don't want to.
It means fixing things yourself
It means saying, 'I love you' often. And meaning it
It means not giving up, even when the suffering is great.
It means being able to smile, even when things aren't going your way
It means not swearing (that one is hard for me)
It means living a Sacramental life- Eucharist and Reconciliation
It means quick meals of Quesadillas cooked on the stove top
It means praying before meals
It means not being afraid to get dirty
It means being intentional about choosing joy, even if my mood doesn't match it
It means not focusing to much on #firstworldproblems
It means making sure those who I love know it
It means keeping a childlike heart always, but not being childish
It means making being a saint, my biggest goal.
It means giving a thumbs up, even when the pain is great, and the effort is unbearable
To LIVE LIKE PAUL is intense.  It's not easy.  Very few of us can say we have lived like my buddy Paul, but most of us will say we want to.  As a special fundraising effort for Annie and her children, we will be selling LIVE LIKE PAUL shirts with Paul's favorite colors.  As goals are met, we will make new ones.  We will sprinkle the great US of A with 'LIVE LIKE PAUL' shirts because they will remind us to be the best people we can be.  Please click on THIS LINK to purchase yours today.  BUT, if you can't PURCHASE A SHIRT, that's can still LIVE LIKE PAUL everyday.  And you should.  Because, if you do, even when you are intensely sick- you'd still be smiling like this!


1 comment:

  1. Mary, your list of living like Paul is perfect! The brushing your teeth comment made me laugh out loud- I will never forget the day Paul admitted to my missionary team at Camp Gray that he couldn't remember the last time he brushed them. I'll be printing this post and hanging it in my office to remember how to #livelikepaul :)
