
Friday, February 27, 2015

Guess What's Back- that's right the ol' Quick Takes

Well, well, well.... aren't we just in the THICK OF IT?!?!  There's more I can say, but I'll just leave it at this, every.single.Friday, it feels as though I have made it through a battle, clawing my way till 5:30 pm when Aaron comes home to relieve me for the weekend.  Yes, my friends, that's where we are at.

Aaron, the husband has been such a partner the last couple weeks I can't even describe it. The type of partner who is getting up with the kids EVERY morning, making me breakfast, cleaning the house, running the laundry, completely taking over at 5:30 pm when he gets home... etc... THAT kind of partner.  Whenever I get discouraged, Aaron reminds that we are 'Team Wilkerson...we can do anything'.  These last couple weeks, he has really put his money where his mouth is.

Can't believe it's been over a month since Paul entered into eternal life.  I am also taken back by how often I will burst into tears.  The little things that trigger the reality that my friend is no longer here in his physical form on earth. It's still so very hard.  The trickiest thing to process though is a bit unexpected.  It seems so weird to me that through the last 17 years, God always knew that Paul would be taken at 34.  I've told you that faith was always a part of my friendships in college and post.  It's hard to process that with each lovely memory, God knew the whole time they were limited.  Truth be told, it makes me kind of angry.  I know the anger is irrational.   But it's there. I don't stay with it.  But it is there.

On a much happier note...the boys LOVED wearing their uncle Paul shirts. Like, loved it.  Lil' Aaron didn't want to take them off.  That brought my heart much joy.  That, and the fact that they always ask to hear the 'Uncle Paul Song' (I Lived- One Republic).  Another cute thing, there was a commercial, with people paragliding...lil' Aaron said, 'Oh my gosh!  It's uncle Paul!'.  Cute huh?

"pregnancy brain" is a funny thing.  I especially loved last week, when I was talking on the phone with my sister downstairs and it was time to bring the kids upstairs.  While talking, I searched for a good five minutes for the phone.  It was super hard to find because I was talking to my sister on it.

I know you know, but the well meaning strangers who give advice on children/, I'd like to punch them in the face.  
"Listen here lady, I know my kid is sucking on the Target cart handle, and I know it's probably super gross for you to see, but here's the thing, I've got a handful of them, so sometimes I pick my battles.  Oh, and my kids have kick butt immune systems"

I don't understand why people don't understand why talking on the phone is impossible for me, and I ALWAYS prefer email or text. I've got a 3, 2, and 1 year old.  One is always melting down.  Oh, and added to that, the 2 hours I MIGHT catch twice a week when they are sleeping at nap time, I don't want to spend talking on the phone with anyone. ever.   I know I am hormonal, but I have seriously considered throwing my phone out the window, or doing away with actual 'talk' minutes.  Sure, you don't prefer email/text, but guess what, I don't prefer voice talking....

so.... someone's a little cranky.

On that note, I'll let you carry on with your day!  


  1. Can I just say - your husband ROCKS! and you make me laugh out loud!

    hope you are feeling well

  2. #5 was great. I can so relate.

    I'm not pregnant but I'm really grumpy / sensitive / emotional. I don't know what's going on with me.

  3. I've been praying for you as you continue to grieve your dear friend Paul. I love your sweet boys in the Live Like Paul shirts, though. Very cute!

  4. I'm new here. After seeing you at ToT this week, I did a little internet stalking and found you have a blog. I am so happy to be able to connect with you here! Sorry I didn't get to introduce myself after, I was catching a ride with a friend. But I loved you talk, thanks for coming out and sharing with us. :-)
