
Friday, April 10, 2015

Guess who's back, back again, 7 Quicks

So, it's been awhile.  Truth be told, I've been kind of off the radar for a couple months.  When people say, how did your Lent go?  My response is "I really lived it".  When people ask "how was your Holy Week?"  Well, it started with me in a ball texting my sisters, begging for prayers, telling them I "hate my life"  (never one for the dramatics).  And, if you are wondering how my Easter is going!?!?!  AWESOME.  Six Iron infusions later, I am living a spirit of Resurrection. No joke.  Which is also making me realize just how very bad the last few months were physically.  At one point I was laying in bed, no energy, constant pain and wondering if maybe it was all in my head?  Maybe I was just experiencing a time of depression?  I have never felt so terrible in my entire life- I didn't know what to do with it, and how long it lasted (Since January).  But, turns out, not having any iron in your blood really does effect how one does life.  And now that the iron has been restored (my numbers are higher than they have ever been for a pregnancy) I am honestly on cloud nine!  We are all STILL sick around here with head colds, but I barely care- I can leave my house without the threat of collapsing. It's so awesome.

Confession, and this is gonna make some of you wanna throw rotten tomatoes at me.  Until two weeks ago, I kind of didn't even have respect for natural births (drug free).  To be honest, I think waaay too often it's kind of romanticized by "natural birth advocates"- and I'm always like, "oh, or you can just take drugs and be just fine".  Anyway, it's just how I felt.  Plus, I mean, let's just be real, I have been through THREE c-section recoveries, so I'm pretty into thinking pain is kind of overrated.  So, when I got the call my youngest sister, who wanted to go naturally (eye roll) was at the hospital the same time as me (iron treatment) I was anxious to get up to her room to help be a birth coach (I mean, who wouldn't want me as a natural birth coach right?!?!).  Anyway, I'm just gonna lay it out there.  Watching her go through a six hour labor, with no drugs, and the strength it took for her to meet her baby, was honestly pretty much the most awe-inspiring thing I have ever seen in my whole life.  For real, even the next day I kept saying to my husband "you should have seen it! I have never seen anything like it".  It was so beautiful, so 'right'. I, for the first time in my almost 35 years understand the beauty of drug free birthing.  I mean, not that I'd ever attempt it, but it was really something.  OH, and the fact that like three minutes after everything my sister was literally GLOWING and acting like the last six hour of utter intensity and exhaustion had not even happened was beyond my understanding.  So cool.  And welcome to the world my sweet little godson Milo Nixon. 

Sassy post to follow- because you missed all the sass 

I cannot believe, that seemingly the majority of people I know, think that one should have to bake a wedding cake for a couple who's wedding goes against the core beliefs of the baker.  It is INSANITY that we are living in that kind of world.  And, by the way, as I have said a couple times, I am DEF. a part of the group who wouldn't see the cake baking to be an issue if I was asked... but dang, if people do...we really think the LAW should force them to make a cake?!!?!?!  I am telling you, this world has gone bat Sh#$ crazy and I am so afraid of the consequences.  This is maybe a little creepy facebook stalkerish, but you know how sometimes things show up on your newsfeed?  Well Jenny from mama needs coffee  said something like (not an exact quote) 'I think we are going to be really surprised in 10-20 years when we see what happens with religious liberties and our ability to practice freely and evangelize' ... clearly, it's stuck with me.  And yea, I think we are.  My poor kids...

John Paul, my youngest, can now crawl out of his crib.  Not 'fall' out of his crib, but intentionally and quietly crawl out of his crib. I discovered this yesterday when making lunch when he started knocking on his door and calling, 'mommeeeeeee'.  Yikes! none of my other kids even kind of attempted to get out of their cribs.  Time for the triple bunk bed eh?

I had a dream about my dear friend Paul at the beginning of the week. I know this is silliness, but ever since he has passed, like so many of us do I am sure, I asked God if I could maybe talk to him in a dream.  How childlike right? Anyway, on Monday I think, I had a dream we were all at a memorial for him.  And it was sooooooooooo sad.  My heart was so heavy.  But, after there was a reception, and he was there.  In the dream, because of how dreams go, it was very normal for him to be hanging around.  Then, he came up to me and asked me to come with him to look at some baby pictures of him.  In the dream, I didn't realize the significance, so I took his hand and went with him.  He showed me a scrap book of all kinds of baby pictures of him (Which, if you know paul, pictures aren't exactly something he even kind of cares about) and then, there was a huge light that just kind of encompassed us, and then I woke up.  When I woke up is when I realized how cool it was that I just got to spend time with me friend.  And I take great comfort in that dream.  That is all.

Franciscan University is so dumb.  I hate when I look back at my University and have to acknowledge the dumb things about it.  Poor Eve Tushnet, that's all I gotta say. I can't imagine the type of martyrdom she has to face- it's such a bummer that an academic institution would be so dumb.    

Um, so yeah.  Disney is happening.  I am like a little kid, barely able to stand my excitement.  I'll tell you all about it when I tell you all about it :)

That's it for me.  Check out more Quick Takes at



  1. Congratulations on the new nephew!
    Hope you keep feeling better and better!!

  2. I'm so happy you're feeling better! And I just love number two but you already knew that ;) Congrats on the new Godson! (And by the way, I know a few people who've had a VBA3C so, you know… (KIDDING. I do know them but I know you, too ;))

    I kind of hope there's more to the FUS thing than maybe is public knowledge? I don't know. It seems weird and not like a really smart decision.
