
Friday, September 16, 2016

7 Quick Takes in which my husband blogs and Malia gets looked out for

I'm linking up with Kelly at This Ain't The Lyceum   to give you this week's quick takes.  Are you ready?
Aaron, my husband wrote a blog post on his decision to leave his current job.
It's really good. 
It made me REALLY proud of him.
It was a really profound decision for our family, in many ways, I think this job switch has changed the path we were on as a family.
And I am so thankful for that.

Malia was up from 10:00 pm- 2:00 am
I actually considered taking her to Urgent Care because it was so weird.
She woke up this morning just fine.
Is it rational to be angry at a 1 year old for stealing sleep from you?
Thank God for a good husband and team work.

My brother officially got a job in a local department 'round these parts.
His wife has been in Michigan for several months solo.
With seven children to care for and cooking an 8th.
Anyway, last night we had a party for my mom's birthday and all the cousins played together on a Thursday night.
And that's really, really cool.

This weekend Malia Paul turns 1 year old.
Can you even believe that?
She has just lit up our lives in a way I didn't expect or anticipate.  The transition to four children has gone so smooth, so wonderful. 
We don't do big parties for our kids anymore.  We have a lot of them and it's really hard to pull off.  But for the 1st birthday, we invited some folk.
Folk will be coming here on Sunday.  
A lot of folk.
It should be awesome.
And lucky John Paul, because his birthday is so close, he gets to have a big party too.  

We are SO off track with our healthy living goals of 2016.
It bums me out
I haven't been to the gym at all this week :(
And our eating is pretty terrible again.
I'm hoping next week, when things in terms of INSANELY BUSY level out a bit, we will be able to get back on track.
But I am worried they won't because I am worried insanely busy is just our new norm between school, Aaron's job, BOLD MINISTRIES and the Parish Youth Ministry job. 
So, um
I'm gonna have to learn how to meal plan/eat healthy/exercise when life is insane.
I haven't that yet.

Should my boys do scouting? 
The controversy regarding scout leaders and sexuality doesn't bother me, so that's not why I am asking.
I am asking because the amount of insane shenanigans these boys get into at sleep away camps is enough that I am proceeding with extreme caution.
But maybe Aaron (husband) can be a scout master or something?


I love this picture. So much.  It's at our local mall. We had some errands to run, so I let the kids play in the play area.  We've been there a million times before, but Malia is old enough to play now...
well, kind of.
Things like this here climbing thing are a bit too tall for her. I distinctly remember Little Aaron being afraid to play on this slide when he was like, two years old.  But our Malia, almost a year old, scaled the steps and was getting ready to slide down.

The picture is a bit deceiving though because the slide is actually quite tall, and very steep.  The boys know that.  So when Malia climbed up the stairs, to the top, they separated.  John Paul stayed with her on top, and Joey/Aaron when to the bottom of the slide to catch her.

I've said it before, but I'll say it again.  I love how God crafted together our family.  As parents, we are only going to be able to do so much to protect our kids.  But I pray all the time for good friends and good relationships to help my kids grow into kind people of faith.  But Malia gets an extra bonus.  She gets three big brothers who can stretch her to do all kinds of adventurous things, but will also be there to catch her if she might need some extra help.

I'm a lucky mom.


The reading doesn't have to stop here, head on over to to read more quick takes!

1 comment:

  1. I always love hearing about your family's adventures-you all sound like such a fun bunch of people :) With the scouting, I don't's such a great program, and I'm sure your boys would love it. I think the main thing I would add in is that scouting is another time commitment, and if you guys are already insanely busy, maybe you should postpone it for a little while longer?
