
Friday, June 9, 2017

7QT no sleep, hurt feelings and DISNEY edition

I'm linking up with Kelly at This Ain't The Lyceum   to give you this week's quick takes.  Are you ready?

Being a parent is amazing. 
I still cannot believe what has happened to my sleep.
Two nights ago, I slept through the whole night, with the exception of getting up every 1.5 hours to use the restroom (#pregnancyproblems)

It felt like a dream
And I still got up 5 times during the night.

Let's just say the other days this week, in between getting up every 1.5 hours to use the restroom, I was also up pretty much every hour tending to one of my four children.

...I can't find my blanket
...I can't find my pillow
...I wanted to have a midnight party for 2 hours
...I need snuggles
...I had a bad dream, I don't want to talk about it, but I don't want to be in my room.

It has been A WEEK.

Ugh. Gestational Diabetes be workin' my nerves.
And my fingers hurt from all the pokes.  So.many.pokes.
For those of you in the know, I have the trigger on the lowest setting, but it's still kind of really hurting.
I already do it on the side of my fingers.
I even resorted to watching youtube videos to make it less painful.
It's all worth it... but man, four more weeks, four times a day?

(for the record, Jesus just mentally slapped me and reminded me people deal with this much longer than 4 weeks, some, for a life time and I should probably just ut-shay up-hay).

I have a kid who likes to take off her pants and diaper... all the time.
This is becoming a real problem for a lot of reasons (I will leave it to the imagination).
I have already found her without her diaper twice today.

How shall I deal with this?
Besides buying onsies and having her wear one always?

I like to get personal occasionally up in here.

In the last year, I have really been trying to work on my emotional reactions to situations.
(I have a tendency to be WAY too reactive)

a) Locating the correct emotion (i.e. anger is easy, but often a distraction)
b) analyzing where the emotion came from
c) determining what, if anything, I can do about the situation causing the emotion
d) If I can't do anything, wrapping a boundary around the situation until I can properly respond emotionally.

That's what my process has looked like.

I've had my feelings hurt a couple times this week, pretty intensely.
I have worked my system.
It's been good.

That is all.

I had some plans this week.
I've had to cancel them.
Between doctor appointments, being a kick butt summer mom (because, I kind of have been) and exhaustion, I just don't have energy for anything but the daily grind.
I need to remember once I get near full term, the energy I've got is reserved for my kids and pretty much nothing more.  I hate canceling plans, so I need to not make them, or I end up canceling them.
From this point until August, no plans shall be made, as much as I might want to make all the plans.

Scenes of an awesome summer mom

Our favorite Detroit City park

A safety town we got to bring our bikes to!

Joey and Malia at the'fire station'

My adventure crew...we've decided to name our van 'the adventurer' in case you were wondering

And, the best news from this week...
We booked Disney!
Disney at Christmas time, here we come.
Art of Animation.
Six Nights.
And I get to make dining reservations today!!!
Woot woot.

The reading doesn't have to stop here, head on over to to read more quick takes!


  1. The diaper thing...maybe she has a UTI or a yeast infection? That's how my daughter communicated at that age.

  2. I've learned that about myself too in relation to #4. My counselor always reminds me to stop, think, and process where the emotion is really coming from....some days are better than others.

    Sorry your feelings got hurt, that sucks and is never ever fun!

  3. This is my seventh pregnancy (out of eight pregnancies) with gestational diabetes but it's the first one I have had to use insulin (starting at 19 weeks). I'm trying so hard to not feel discouraged but...I often feel discouraged. My husband tells me to "pray and focus on the baby"; we have the 20 week ultrasound Monday and I'm hoping that seeing the little guy will help me to focus and lift my spirits. Hang in there!

  4. I commend you on addressing your emotional reactions-that is so vulnerable and brave, and I bet it will be so freeing for you too! Oh man, y'alls Disney adventures-to-come sound awesome. I hope things go smoothly in the planning process!

  5. #3: Until they grow out of it, and hopefully that will be soon, onesies will do the trick. If they figure out those, then sleepers with a safety pin through the zipper work. And honestly, we've just used two squares of duct tape to reinforce the diaper tabs before. We just kept a roll by the changing table and it was too strong for them to get off.
