
Friday, October 27, 2017

7 Quick Takes of Fire trucks and halloween

I'm linking up with Kelly at This Ain't The Lyceum   to give you this week's quick takes.  Are you ready?

Yesterday, I went to MOPS.
It was an awesome meeting but I got called out early.
John Paul said he was sick.
He wasn't sick.
But I knew the people who are in charge of the childcare were nervous.
So we packed up and left about 30 minutes before we would have under normal circumstances.

Two weeks ago, Aaron started actively cleaning out our furnace/storage room.
We had tons of boxes.
Piles of paper.
All of the stuff from our childhood and seven years of marriage collecting in one small room.
I knew it was unsafe to have that type of situation in a furnace room.
I've been nagging for a year for us to clear it out.
Two weeks ago, Aaron decided to.
It's now almost done, just some stuff on the shelves, far away from the furnace.

God is good.

We got home from MOPS and I brought the three kids into the house.
John Paul said, 'It smells gross in here'
It definitely smelled gross.
We had turned on our furnace yesterday morning, which always causes a weird smell.
But this was strong.
I went downstairs to cleaned out furnace room.
I felt the door and it wasn't hot.
So I opened it.
And there was a smoke and a glow coming from the back of the furnace.
I ran upstairs quickly, made the kids go outside, threw shoes on our front lawn and coats and called 911.

Five minutes later a big ol' crew of firemen, totally suited up, with a sense of urgency entered our house.
Basically our furnace over heated. It was starting to melt the things outside of it. 

We need a new furnace because ours is officially dead.
But everyone is fine.
We came home early.
And the furnace room was cleaned out.

God is good.

Can we talk about firefighters for a minute?
They pulled up to the house with a sense of urgency, they were all suiting up in FULL fire gear, masks, boots, suits, etc...
I felt a little silly, what if it was nothing and I created a complete fiasco, complete with fire lights and sirens?

But as they went into our house, I was kind of stunned into silence as I stood there shaking trying to be calm because of the three children.

These men were running into my house.
A house where they didn't know what to expect.
Not to be dramatic, but sometimes houses explode.
And sometimes doors open to flames.
And these men who didn't even know us, ran into my house.
They probably have families.
And children, you know?

Can you imagine?
Can you imagine that job?
Knowing that you could LEGIT lose your life in an instant.
It is absolutely unbelievable.
It is unbelievable there are men and women willing to do this.
for us.

Gosh, we should feel thankful every day for firefighters.
And police officers.
And our service men and women.
Because what they do is amazing.
And most of the time they do it for crap pay and really cruddy hours.

Saying 'Thank you' to the men who came out to my house felt like cheap words.
And their attitude?
"This is what we do"

It's amazing.

My friend Katie came into town this weekend.
Katie and I were friends from college.
But our friendship became something entirely different when we walked through my friend Paul's death together.

She came to visit and it was good.
She met JuJu Grace.
I think JuJu likes her.

Look at Aaron 'dad-ing' like a boss.
I love him.

Halloween is upon us.
I don't love this day you guys.
It's a pretty tiring day.
And all the candy.
Plus, it's 2017, so now we have to celebrate for a month...
with trick-or-treats
and truck-or-treats
and work parties to bring kids to.

Remember when this stuff was just for like, a day?
I don't participate in any of it, except the actual day.
Because I am mean.
Well, that's a lie.
we will be going to Aaron's work party.

As much as I am a Halloween scrooge.
Watching my kid's joy when they dress up and get candy is awesome.
Aaron had his class party today.
He said, 'I can't eat breakfast I am so excited'
I love him.

It's 7:40 am.
I have to get to the gym by 9 for our infant room reservation.
I will have to start right now, getting ready to leave in order to be on time.
The gym is 15 minutes away.
mom lyfe is fascinating.

Have a great week!

The reading doesn't have to stop here, head on over to to read more quick takes!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you guys are OK! Sorry to hear about the furnace being dead. That's awful, especially at this time of year. I know what you mean about feeling silly in the "what if it's nothing" situation-I came home from an out-of-town trip the other week, my husband was out of town and it was late at night...and the house lights that I had left on (long-lasting bulbs that are supposed to last several days) were off. And my mind immediately went to the "Oh man, was there an intruder?" scenario and I freaked out and called my husband, who said just to call the police. So two officers came out and plunged into my pitch-black house, and it turned out being completely fine (still don't know what happened to those lights, I'm choosing not to think about it lol). And maybe they thought I was crazy for calling them, but I was grateful that they came, and that it turned out to be no big deal.
