
Friday, October 27, 2017

7 Quick Takes of Fire trucks and halloween

I'm linking up with Kelly at This Ain't The Lyceum   to give you this week's quick takes.  Are you ready?

Yesterday, I went to MOPS.
It was an awesome meeting but I got called out early.
John Paul said he was sick.
He wasn't sick.
But I knew the people who are in charge of the childcare were nervous.
So we packed up and left about 30 minutes before we would have under normal circumstances.

Two weeks ago, Aaron started actively cleaning out our furnace/storage room.
We had tons of boxes.
Piles of paper.
All of the stuff from our childhood and seven years of marriage collecting in one small room.
I knew it was unsafe to have that type of situation in a furnace room.
I've been nagging for a year for us to clear it out.
Two weeks ago, Aaron decided to.
It's now almost done, just some stuff on the shelves, far away from the furnace.

God is good.

We got home from MOPS and I brought the three kids into the house.
John Paul said, 'It smells gross in here'
It definitely smelled gross.
We had turned on our furnace yesterday morning, which always causes a weird smell.
But this was strong.
I went downstairs to cleaned out furnace room.
I felt the door and it wasn't hot.
So I opened it.
And there was a smoke and a glow coming from the back of the furnace.
I ran upstairs quickly, made the kids go outside, threw shoes on our front lawn and coats and called 911.

Five minutes later a big ol' crew of firemen, totally suited up, with a sense of urgency entered our house.
Basically our furnace over heated. It was starting to melt the things outside of it. 

We need a new furnace because ours is officially dead.
But everyone is fine.
We came home early.
And the furnace room was cleaned out.

God is good.

Can we talk about firefighters for a minute?
They pulled up to the house with a sense of urgency, they were all suiting up in FULL fire gear, masks, boots, suits, etc...
I felt a little silly, what if it was nothing and I created a complete fiasco, complete with fire lights and sirens?

But as they went into our house, I was kind of stunned into silence as I stood there shaking trying to be calm because of the three children.

These men were running into my house.
A house where they didn't know what to expect.
Not to be dramatic, but sometimes houses explode.
And sometimes doors open to flames.
And these men who didn't even know us, ran into my house.
They probably have families.
And children, you know?

Can you imagine?
Can you imagine that job?
Knowing that you could LEGIT lose your life in an instant.
It is absolutely unbelievable.
It is unbelievable there are men and women willing to do this.
for us.

Gosh, we should feel thankful every day for firefighters.
And police officers.
And our service men and women.
Because what they do is amazing.
And most of the time they do it for crap pay and really cruddy hours.

Saying 'Thank you' to the men who came out to my house felt like cheap words.
And their attitude?
"This is what we do"

It's amazing.

My friend Katie came into town this weekend.
Katie and I were friends from college.
But our friendship became something entirely different when we walked through my friend Paul's death together.

She came to visit and it was good.
She met JuJu Grace.
I think JuJu likes her.

Look at Aaron 'dad-ing' like a boss.
I love him.

Halloween is upon us.
I don't love this day you guys.
It's a pretty tiring day.
And all the candy.
Plus, it's 2017, so now we have to celebrate for a month...
with trick-or-treats
and truck-or-treats
and work parties to bring kids to.

Remember when this stuff was just for like, a day?
I don't participate in any of it, except the actual day.
Because I am mean.
Well, that's a lie.
we will be going to Aaron's work party.

As much as I am a Halloween scrooge.
Watching my kid's joy when they dress up and get candy is awesome.
Aaron had his class party today.
He said, 'I can't eat breakfast I am so excited'
I love him.

It's 7:40 am.
I have to get to the gym by 9 for our infant room reservation.
I will have to start right now, getting ready to leave in order to be on time.
The gym is 15 minutes away.
mom lyfe is fascinating.

Have a great week!

The reading doesn't have to stop here, head on over to to read more quick takes!

Friday, October 20, 2017

7 QT I need your help again.

I'm linking up with Kelly at This Ain't The Lyceum   to give you this week's quick takes.  Are you ready?

Malia's hair is just the best...
When it's done.

Maybe better when it's au natural?

I had my dear friend Father Mario over for breakfast this week.
We get together every other month or so.
We have breakfast and then sit on the porch.
It's lovely.
He asked me what kind of baby Julia is.
I said watch...
Then I said her name and she gave this smile.

She basically has two modes.
Smiling in a ridiculously cute way that pretty much slays me.
(that's cool kid talk)

If you are local and have a pass to Greenfield Village...
There is a pixar exhibit. 
We went on Sunday, because it was free, and we love free things.
The kids even kind of loved it.

I shared this on 'instastories' BUT if you don't follow me there.
Guess freaking what?
We decided we are going to Chicago Christmas weekend.
December is honestly going to be the best.month.ever.
I can't wait.
(us in Chicago Christmas weekend 2 years ago)

My friend, Stephanie, shared this article on facebook.

It accurately explained something I have spent a lot of time thinking about.
Basically, loving your life/spouse/vocation so much that death and separation terrifies you.

Can you read it and help me understand the mystery of heaven?

I do a talk on what it means to be a saint.
Sometimes I use this quote.
My girlfriend Amy made it into a meme.
Can you even? 

I think Michigan is going to beat Penn State.
There. I said it.
I am very excited for the game.
I'm going to try not to drink Budlight though because I have a healthy living goal I want to make by Monday (which isn't looking very likely on this Friday).
If it is a close game at half time, I might have to have me one or two.

That is all.

The reading doesn't have to stop here, head on over to to read more quick takes!

Friday, October 13, 2017

7 Quick Takes. Sick kids, cute pic, and sad football stories...

I'm linking up with Kelly at This Ain't The Lyceum   to give you this week's quick takes.  Are you ready?

Oh gosh.
This week has been a hard week of sick.
It's included fevers, an ER trip, and very little sleep for this mama.
Last night I had two kids puking pretty much every hour on the hour.
Isn't that sad?
But wait.
It's gets better. But really better, not like, 'it gets better' said ironically because it gets worse.
Julia is an amazing sleeper.  She sleeps through the night, usually between 9:00 pm- 7:30 am (I KNOW RIGHT!?!?!)/
And when the kids started puking, I brought them into our bed, with lights on, etc... 
There was crying.
There was projectile vomiting.
There was whining.
And sweet baby girl in her bassinet slept through everything.

Those smiles though.

I've done some facebook live-ing about the things I talk about when I do speaking.
I think I am going to start doing more of those.
Because they are fun.
I am going to need to stop being so 'wordy' so says my sister.

In my facebook live video, I said I was 38.
I said this because I thought I was 38.
Turns out, I am 37.
I asked my sister, she said she sometimes forgets how old she is. So at least I am not alone.
At least I thought I was older than I am.

Before the puke-pocolyse of 2017... I was feeling sick.
so I went to bed at 7:30 pm last night.
And that's kind of awesome.
Also, a lifesaver, seeing as though I have been up since midnight thirty.

With so much sickness in our house, my kids have been living on screens.
I'm really not sure what to do with them besides screens when they are this sick.
Currently, in my family room, I have the tv going, along with 2 ipads.
I can feel the twitching from some of you.
Don't worry.
I am twitching as well.
But not enough to change the situation.

Michigan lost last weekend.
To gross Michigan State.
It's 6 days later, and I am still not over it.
It was also a terrible game, low scoring, super boring.
Sometimes being a football fan is hard.

The reading doesn't have to stop here, head on over to to read more quick takes!

Friday, October 6, 2017

7 Quick Takes and a BONUS ONE!

I'm linking up with Kelly at This Ain't The Lyceum   to give you this week's quick takes.  Are you ready?
You ready? Here we go... (the 'here we go' said in the voice of slick rick)

Do not post controversial stuff on SOCIAL media if you are not prepared to maturely handle opposing views.
It's called SOCIAL media.
Er'time you people write, 'I don't want to hear your views on it'
I judge.
I did it once too, but then I deleted the post.
Because I realized if I didn't want to hear opposing views, I shouldn't be posting something I take so personally on the internets.
Get it together people.
That is all.

You know how you get those moments, when you can't believe the life you are living is the life you get to lead?  In the best possible way?
Last Saturday I looked out the window and saw this...
It was one of those moments.
And tears stung my eyes.
My window might need to be clean (does need to be clean).
But looking at the window at my big boys is amazing.

speaking of..
I now feel comfortable letting my two big boys cross the street to go to the park, if I am sitting on the front porch. 
Er'body is growing up in this house.
We tried this summer to let all three boys go to the park across the street.
But our van was partially blocking my view.
And the littlest boy tried to cross the street to come home without his brothers before I noticed.
A car almost hit him.
Then slowed down and the man in the car said, "Do you know who's kids these are?"
And I got REAL sassy and said, "They are MINE and I am SITTING RIGHT HERE LOOKING AT THEM"
(because I didn't know John Paul was in the middle of the street due to my obstructive view)
The man in the car rolled his eyes and drove off. And then out popped John Paul.
It was not a good moment in parenting.

BUT, alas, John Paul wasn't home, so I let the big two go by themselves, because they know not to run into the street.

It's freaking me out..knowing that JuJu might be our last baby.
She sleeps through the night (I KNOW!), so we are thinking it might be time to switch her into Malia's room. 
But then she wouldn't be in ours.
And we might not have a baby in our room ever again?
And that's just too much right now.
So she will stay with us.

Sometimes I take the kids shopping
All of them.
And I am impressed with myself... so I take a picture.

Dude.  When John Paul isn't stepping on his baby sister's stomach, or smooching her head, or making her cry...
He's an AWESOME brother.

It's the Michigan/Michigan State Game tomorrow.
Have I told you guys how much I love college football?
Because it is SO much.
And I really want to watch the game and drink some bud lights.
But I ate 20 animal crackers, 3 cookies, and 2 marshmallows yesterday...
So that might have to count as my cheat day.
Water and Football it is!
(unless I change my mind)

My husband, Aaron sometimes makes the eggs in the morning instead of me...
They are scrambled.
And they are not good.
Don't tell him, but he makes REALLY bad scrambled eggs.
There is a science to this sh@#  and he just simply is not successful.
You guys.
He scrambles them IN THE PAN.

The reading doesn't have to stop here, head on over to to read more quick takes!