
Friday, January 18, 2013

--- 1 --- it normal, as a mom of young children, that I like CONSTANTLY cancel plans?  I feel  like such a crappy friend, but  there are so many unknowns.  I had plans yesterday to go to our dear friend's house today for lunch with the boys.  But, yesterday, Joseph had his shots (yes, we poison our children through vaccinations), and today he is sick (due to the poison, touche anti-vaccination friends. lol), so I had to cancel. I just feel like we ALWAYS cancel plans.  The good news?  The person we canceled with also has young children, this was her response, 'no worries, E wet the bed at 4:00 am, so we are pretty grumpy around here this morning' (paraphrase).  I love having friends that understand.
--- 2 ---
So, Yo Gabba Gabba was everything we hoped for and more.  Best Family Day Ever?  Maybe ;) Oh, you wanted to see pictures?  Ok...
The Boy and I in Greektown before the show

I love this little guy so much

Happy Much?!?!?!

After the show!

--- 3 ---
Father Leo Patalinghug date night?  It rocked.  Best past part, he said, 'If you want to raise saints, you have to be saint makers.  The best way to be saint makers, is to be a Holy couple'.  Well, we want to raise Saints, that is a fact.  Are we saint makers?  We are working on is hard work.  But, we try  And trying is half the battle (along with knowing...GI Joe just forgot to mention the trying part).
--- 4 ---
Houston, we have a problem.  As I have alluded to, I have, what some would call, a temper problem.  I react quickly and not always proactively.  An example?  Let's say I spill a glass of water on the kitchen floor.  If that occurred, you would most likely hear choice words and an exaggerated reaction of horror.  It's kind of funny because Big A is always like, 'What happened?!?!?!' and then he finds water on the floor, shakes his head and walks away...Anyway, it appears I am passing that trait on to my child.  Lil' A was positively hilarious yesterday when he tried to carry ALL his cars from point A, to point B, instead of taking them one by one.  He would get so frustrated, cry and throw them all down...and then try again.  He was so easily frustrated.  And although it was cute to watch, it did kind of bum me out that it appears I am handing that trait down to him.  Looks like I am not raising my eldest child to be patient.
--- 5 ---
Big A... I feel like I am always gushing about him, and trust me, he has his issues, but really....he just rocks.  I had a pretty bad day on Sunday. I had a pretty bad day mostly because I was being selfish.  Big A could have told me to suck it up, stop being selfish, and actually put actions behind the words I always preach.  Instead, he was gentle and kind. He was everything a help-mate should be.  He went out and got me my favorite meal (look away those that intend on keeping me accountable to healthy living) of avocado egg rolls from California Pizza Kitchen, and Max and Erma tortilla soup.  Then, he bought me two dozen roses.  He was gentle and loving and brought a smile to my grumpy face. I've said it before, I will say it again...anyone frustrated waiting for 'Mr. Right'... please be patient, the good ones are worth the wait.  God knows EXACTLY what he is doing.
--- 6 ---
Joseph Michael does.not. like baths.  Which stinks, because little Aaron has always loved him.  What stinks even more is that sweet baby boy Joey like, never cries (he does whine occassionally).  So, when he does, when he really cries, it breaks my heart in two.  When I put him in the bath, his face expresses such horror, I feel so darn bad for him.  See, it's different than when little Aaron cried.  Lil' Aaron cried all.the.time, so I rarely felt bad for him.  But Joey?  He makes my heart ache every time  he cries.
--- 7 ---
I'm so happy about something, I want to tell you about it.  Good friends of ours have tried for years and years and years to have a child.  The found out a few months ago, they were pregnant.  And, they just found out yesterday they are having a boy!  I cannot wait to watch them parent this child, and I am so excited they get the joy of a boy.  A friend of mine from college also recently shared on Facebook, that after struggles with infertility, they are adopting a sweet baby boy.  He should be here any day.  I am just so darn happy for these two women and can't wait for them to know and feel the joy that is raising crazy boy babies.  And, I continue to hold in prayer those that have lost children, or are still waiting to one day meet their children.  
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. I love your hubby - in a cool, not weird way ;) You guys sound perfect for each other. And I think all toddlers get frustrated easily, I wouldn't worry that you are passing any traits down to him. Do you have a Max and Erma's near you? Their blue cheeseburger was like my favorite thing to eat when I was at FUS. Oh my gosh, I'm so jealous!

    1. We do, and their tortilla soup is probably one of the best things in the world. After 'the news', I gave myself one week to go totally off healthy living, the soup was so freaking good. Tomorrow, it's back to the ol' healthy living :)

  2. I am also guilty of going berzerk over small things. But then something huge happens nd I'm like..."oooh, that's not good". Disordered much?

    1. That is so funny, because I feel like I am the same exact way. I can handle a total crisis with no issues, but water on the ground, pretty much a total meltdown!

  3. #5- You have a GREAT man!!

    And for the anger . . . do not stress, I think it balances sometimes. You will find you and strangely calm at times when things are spiralling out of control around you (just like what Dwija stated).

  4. Oh my goodness...we are twins on #4. For sure. My son is also joining the ranks as well. Sad day ;) So glad to have found your blog!

    1. At least they keep it interesting eh? Today's meltdown was about not being able to stuff his foot in his own shoe :) Welcome to the blog!

  5. just have to say- those babies are delicious! (and I'm jealous about Yo Gabba Gabba- I have a 5 yr old boy and 3 yr old girl)

    1. Thank you thank you! Yo Gabba was the best. I pretty much almost died when Bizmarky (Um, I have NO idea if that is how you spell it), came out for Biz's beat of the day!

  6. Canceling plans? I am a pro. Maybe you and I should just make plans together...I promise to cancel on you.

    1. Sweet- let's plan tomorrow. Breakfast with the families after Mass? I am sure our husbands would love each other!
