
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I had a rough morning...

...this morning. I mean the roughest. I mean the kind where the boys were off the hook in terms of not awesome, I was NOT feeling well, other things, it was just the worst morning ever. I told Aaron, that honestly, I think it was the roughest morning I have had since we had been married.

But, in the midst of this awful morning (I mean, it was awful), I looked over at sweet Joesph.  For a moment he wasn't being cranky, and he gave me the sweetest smile.

My Joseph REALLY has the sweetest smiles in the world. They actually catch my heart for a second.  His smiles are gentle and knowing.  They are deep, from his soul.  They carry all the way up from the corners of his mouth to the twinkling of his eyes.  His smile, for those few seconds made everything awesome.

It is 4:10 pm, I am feeling much better, little Aaron is FINALLY sleeping (kid HATES sleep), and all I am reflecting about this morning was my sweet little one's smile.

God is good.
Happy Tuesday.


  1. Don't they just amaze you at how much they can frustrate you, and then they flash those gums and, oh, wait, why was I so angry?

  2. Aw, I'm sorry you had a cruddy morning. Glad you were able to find some joy in it. That's so so hard sometimes. Here's hoping tomorrow is way better.

  3. Good smile, but delicious looking belly!!!!! I really want to bite that belly....(I'm insane, it's okay if I'm aware of that, right?)

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