
Friday, September 13, 2013

7 Quick takes- new baby edition

So, he’s here.  John Paul Francis Wilkerson 10 pounds 10 ounces.  Good baby, eats well, and we are enjoying our hospital vacation currently.
How much do we love nurses?  Because we make an appearance every year or so, a couple people here have gotten to know us. One of our favorite nurses actually transferred so she could be with us our first night.  I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the vocation of nursing.  I may/may not have had a bit of a mental breakdown last night due to no sleep and lots o’ pain.  The nurse was so awesome.  We figured out a way I could sleep a bit (with JP in the nursery between feedings) and she regulated my pain meds differently so it was more consistent.  What a blessing!
Speaking of blessings, I will never be able to thank everyone properly for the prayer support we had on Wednesday morning for delivery.  As many of you know, I was very VERY nervous going into the surgery both for myself and for the baby.  Everything turned out so well.  This was the first surgery I wasn’t sick through, and I had that special grace of calm I so desperately wanted.  When I saw sweet John Paul and knew he was okay, I felt with certainty the prayers of everyone.  So thankful for the body of Christ.
Then there was this...

Oh, and this.  I have never felt so blessed in my life as I did when I had all three of my boys together in the hospital room.  Well, four including Aaron.
Look closely!  Best pictures ever?  Someone knows the way to this girl’s heart.
And finally, people keep asking if we will have another…as long as the picture below keeps happening…you know it!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. I'M DYING OF CUUUUTE!! I love this baby/ family!!! XOXOXOXOXOX

  2. AAAHHHHH! JP is so so so so cute and HUMUNGOUS! How the heck do you grow babies that big? It must feel so good to have him out of there and in your husband's arms :)

    Congrats Mary, you are super amazing and deserve those awesome gifts of alcohol!

  3. I love all the pictures! But I especially love the line "And finally, people keep asking if we will have another…as long as the picture below keeps happening…you know it!" Yay!
    Continued prayers for you as you get through those first few difficult days.

  4. Yay!!!!!!! He is so perfect! Not that the two of you could produce anything else than the handsomest baby boys every but really. He is awesome. So glad you're being treated so well and that everything is so good!

    1. Oh, I keep forgetting to commend you on getting your name choice. The next one will have to be Benedict, though. you know, just to be fair :)

  5. Do not let's near any of your babies or they will be returned with missing toes. Delicious!

  6. You two make some awfully cute babies! Keep reproducing sweet little ones like the 3 you've got:)

  7. Congratulations!!
    Excellent takes especially #7 :)
    Happy Babymoon!!

  8. oh my - words escape me to express my happiness for you. You make the best looking babies!

    Many prayers for a wonderful babymoon full of joy and sleep!


  9. OK, he is sooo cute!! JP is one big baby!

    I am so glad that the c-section went well. The only part that always made me nervous was the spinal. I would just say hail mary after hail mary until the spinal was in and done, then I felt more relaxed.

    Enjoy your 4 men!

  10. You birthed one adorable toddler there, mama. Congratulations! He is so gorgeous.

  11. Oh, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! He's beautiful! Your older boys look so big now!!

    Love, prayers, blessings and ((((hugs))))
