
Thursday, September 19, 2013

7 Quick Takes- published a bit early

A picture of John Paul Francis...because, why not?
Is it weird that I always feel a bit rebellious when I publish these a few hours early? Like, I am doing something wrong :)  Rebel that I am! Here we go!
--- 1 ---
Who knew the ol' heart would keep gettin' bigger
Photo courtesy of Russ Wasylyshyn
Love multiplied increases love.  Who’d  have thunk it (well, every mother that ever had children I suppose), but it turns out our hearts really do just increase in their capacity to love.  Since bringing home John Paul, I can feel a distinct difference in how much/well I am loving my other two children and husband.  It’s like my capacity to love has just grown tremendously.  I am noticing the kindness of my oldest child more distinctly, I am aware of the sensitive of my middle child in a new way, and I am in awe of the sacrifices my husband makes for the good of our family.  Of course, with that comes the not so pleasant feeling of knowing I am failing my children and husband in oh so many ways. But alas, this work in progress will continue to be worked I suppose.  In the meantime, I sit with the miracle of an expanding heart and feel thankful for the gift of an openness to life.
--- 2 ---
Speaking of an openness to life…um, I am not pregnant anymore!  It is so awesome to not be pregnant (please take that the right way, because I do, of course, realize what a gift and miracle pregnancy is).  It’s so funny, home and recovering from a c-section I would take ANY DAY over pregnancy sickness, pregnancy tiredness, etc… I love the fact I am not pregnant so much that sometimes I just smile, even when in pain and think, ‘it could be worse, I could still be pregnant’.  I am so thankful for pregnancy, because it is the means by which God has chosen our little family to grow, but yeah, I don’t dig the process.
My sweetheart
Photo courtesy of Russ Wasylyshyn
So turns out you veteran moms were right, the newborn stage becomes more special with each child.  I am someone who has always said I could pretty much take or leave the newborn stage.  It is a stage one must move through in order to get to the good stuff, when personality starts to show, kids begin to talk, etc…And, there is still truth to that.  Lil’ Aaron’s age is SO MUCH FUN and I can’t wait to have all my kids walking and talking.  That being said, for the first time, much like I was warned about, I am loving the quiet peace and bonding that occurs in this stage. I love pulling John Paul out of his bassinet to nurse at night. I love our snuggles.  I love watching him sleep.  I just love how wonderful the last week has been.  Truth be told, Big Aaron is home right now, I am still recovering from surgery, and I am sure that makes a significant difference.  My job has been pretty much to love on my kids this last week, which will change on Monday when it’s back to reality.  But for now, I am going to revel in the miracle that is my newest child and thank God for the time He gives us to get to know each other during the first few weeks.
Don't let the sweetness of this picture fool you
Photo courtesy of Russ Wasylyshyn
That was lovely, what I just said up there.  And every word was true.  But, for the sake of keeping it real, I have two things to tell you.  Though I have tried to deny it for the past month, there is no more denying it. My eldest child officially says the word, ‘sh—‘.  And, to be more specific, he says, ‘oh sh—‘ in a frustrating voice when he is frustrated.  You guys, I knew my mouth was going to catch up with me one day, and turns out it has.  There is nothing cute about a 2 year old repeatedly saying, ‘oh sh—‘.  Turns out, Big A and I have got to quickly clean up our vocal act, or we are in HUGE trouble.  As if that wasn’t bad enough, the other day, lil’ A was frustrated with big A. He ran down the hall into his room and slammed the door.  THEN, he opened the door and slammed it again for good measure.  Big A turns to me and says, ‘and…I wonder where he got THAT from’.  Parenting- we’re doing it right (or something like that).
Lil' A in love with JP
Photo courtesy of Russ Wasylyshyn
Back to sweet things.  Do you see how I sandwiched the unpleasant thing in between the sweet things?  I confess like that too. Little sin, little sin, BIG SIN, little sin, little sin…anyway, moving on. I am so thankful God saw fit to allow us to raise three boys. I love watching my children interact with one another.  Lil’ A is positively smitten with the baby.  He cannot get enough.  First thing in the morning he runs in to give the baby kisses.  It’s pretty much the sweetest thing ya ever did see.
This could be a whole post, but it won’t be.  I just have to say, Pope Francis is RIGHT ON.  I love that our Church leadership seems to be moving in a direction I have been thinking about for several years now.  I love that we have an example to follow who is, in such a messy way, giving us instructions on how to preach/teach and evangelize.   As I was reading through his newest ‘controversial’ interview, I found myself nodding in enthusiastic agreement.  I am hoping and praying I can apply his insights into the way I speak to others about our faith.  And, is it wrong to say, I am hoping that some of my friends in faith do the same ;)  Cause I said it.
I have a refrigerator full of alcohol to begin responsibly consuming as soon as I am off the painkillers (two more days, tops). Lemme just say, whenever I open the fridge, I think two things.  1) I probably talked a bit too much about missing booze during this pregnancy 2) I have the best friends ever!  I actually can’t decide if I am most excited about the Skinny Girl Sangria, the bud light, or the Vodka which I can mix with cranberry juice to cocktail  perfection.  Note- I understand this particular take makes me seem a bit ridiculous and for that, I cannot apologize.
Happy almost Friday.  Get thee to check out other quick takes!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Love this, all Mary!!

    And I agree about what Pope Francis said, I just wish two things, (1) The media would stop taking it out of context and (2)Those in the church that keep on saying he is ruining the church would STOP. He is all about loving and serving and doing. And I love that.

    And, your kids are ADORABLE!!

    1. I gotta tell you Katie, I just witnessed (2) first hand the other day on someone's blog. I was SHOCKED that people actually feel that way. The Media takes things out of context and some 'orthodox' Catholics blame Pope francis :( It bummed me out.

  2. Newborns, booze, Papa F. Triple play, lady. Cheers to a happiest of Sundays, if I am doing that math right. ;)

  3. All so so good! Well, except for the 2 year old expletives but I think we've all been there :) That moment you realize that they will pick up on whatever you say? Yep. Kids do make us holier! I only saw the headlines for the pope's interview which made me roll my eyes but now I should probably try to find what he ACTUALLY said...if I can.

    1. Oh my gosh, I have a whole post rolling in my head about the call to holiness through family. It's insanity.

  4. YOu are such an alcoholic ;)

    I am missing my martinis soooooo bad this time around, but that's probably what got me here in the first place.

    Maybe I'll get that appreciation for the newborn stage this time around? 6th time's a charm, right? I mostly just go into survival mode and wait to come out the other side.

    1. Ha- colleen I feel like I am in the twilight zone loving this stage. i have NEVER before. Weird.
      still offering things up for you and your pregnancy! :) Your my hero.

  5. cute baby. Here ya on the bad words..but its just not the big ones--small words like stupid and idiot...ughhh it sounds so bad coming from little ones.

    1. It's like a whole new level of accountability isn't it.

  6. Your kids are soooo cute. I am living in fear of ours picking up bad or questionable words...we've been lucky so far! Your confession m.o. makes me laugh. :)

    And btw, I am 100% in your corner about the not being pregnant. I've had 4 C sections and I remember every time I woke up in the hospital, this wonderful sense of well-being, despite the soreness. There just wasn't that awful "I'm about to split in half" feeling, that awful "there's no room for my organs in my body" feeling.

    1. Thank you thank you thank you for the compliment on the children!
      I almost died when I noticed he was straight up swearing. YIKES!
      And amen!

  7. Am so glad you are enjoying your babymoon and the boys are lovin their
    Big Brother status. Have a wonderful weekend!!
