
Friday, May 23, 2014

7 Quick Takes- Dear Jesus help me, it's 4:49 am

It's 4:24 am.  Aaron (the husband) woke up hacking away at 2:30 am. It took a good 15 minutes of me asking before he was ready to go take some Claritin (I feel so bad for him with his allergies, that is a reality I have never dealt with).  He is now sleeping, I am still up at 4:26 am, eating frosted animal crackers, which I am sure are not Weight Watcher approved.  Thank GOD sleeping is in the cards tonight, or I would be mighty cranky.  I do, however, wonder when I am going to be able to fall back asleep.

So I have a real honest to goodness debilitating problem that I would like to discuss on my blog. I have a real 'ant' phobia.  I know where it comes from, where it started and I am pretty sure it is not going to change. I came home to my apartment one day (ugh Bree, remember this?) and there were ants.everywhere.  Including in my bathroom. I am talking thousands (maybe hundreds).  Anyway, when I turned on the lights to my bathroom, somehow a whole bunch crawled on me.  My rooomate got home, and was like 'don't move' because she saw them crawling up the back of my shirt.  Although I can talk about it without twitching now, it was probably one of the grossest moments of my life.  Now, back to the debilitating part. I hate being outside in the summer because of it.  The ants and other bugs.  I love the spring, I love the fall but summer is terrible with all the bugs.  BUT, I now have three boys and going outside is an essential part of our day.  I don't mind walks, or nice parks where I can pretend bugs don't exist.  I love pools and swimming- because, generally, I don't find many bugs there.  Our backyard on the other hand, SKEEVES me right out.  I used to think it was not only because of the bugs, but because our grass was gross.  But, Aaron brought in a service and our grass is looking rather nice, and I still hate being out there.  Anyway,  I don't see any real solution except maybe years of therapy, and that's not gonna happen.  So I am just telling you.  I know bugs have a place in nature- but I wish God didn't invent them.

I got annoyed with a facebook article the other day.  Let's talk about it.  It discussed people who facebook over-share.  There are apparently going to be a few tools that help people to know when and what to share and to avoid 'over-sharing' with people who don't care.  It bugged me.  Here's why. Well, first, I should say I am probably a facebook and blogger who over-shares.  Now here is why it bugged me.  I just think we go about things totally wrong when it comes to social media.  And, even worse, I think it is indicative of how we go about things in this country/culture in general.  HERE'S.THE.THING.  Social media is simply a tool.  It is not responsible for anything bad happening. It cannot have power over you unless YOU let it. It cannot annoy you UNLESS YOU LET IT.  It cannot make your day better or worse UNLESS YOU LET IT. The common denominator is YOU.  PEOPLE who are using social media are responsible for the way it's used.  So, like, if you don't like how I share on facebook- take me off your newsfeed and you will never have to see it again.  If you don't like the things I blog about, stop reading my blog.  When I find someone who over-shares, over-complains, over- whatever on social media I simply remove them from my viewing capabilities.  It's really that simple. We have to start to change the language we use regarding social media.  Facebook isn't annoying. Twitter isn't annoying.  Instagram isn't annoying.  You, on the other hand, might be.

You.Guys.  I got a Keurig for my birthday! I have been wanting one for a couple o' years but we haven't dug in and made the purchase.  Aaron and my in laws surprised me with one.  And it is so fancy and so pretty and does such wonderful things.  With the Keurig came a 'sample pack' of coffees.  Here's my issue/advice seeking statement.  Most of them were entirely too dark for me, I like my coffee VERY mild.  Anyone have any suggestions on the type of K-cup (ooohhhh snap withe fanciness) I should buy if I want lighter coffee?

I really like Weight Watchers.  A LOT. The program works for me.  And helps me to eat healthy and be aware of eating habits. I tried for lots of months to just go to the gym 3 or so times a week, hoping that with a little tread mill action, the last three years of baby carrying would become less evident.  Turns out, on the flip side of 30, eating choices are much more essential.  Anyway 3.5 weeks in, and 10.9 pounds down.  That being said, yesterday I ate a snickers bar and just now I had coated animal um, better get back on track.

I'm also drinking a shiza ton more water which is awesome.  Fun Wilkerson Fact. Our kids drink primarily water with MAYBE a glass of milk a day.  It's lovely that they know to ask for water, because all the juice ain't gonna happen. I'm not a weirdo about it- but they only get a glass of juice once a day and even with that, it is usually watered down to a crazy degree.  Wanna hear something that will make you giggle out loud?  This primarily has to do with the cost of juice, rather than the health benefits.  CHEAP A$$es we are!

Remember how I said I get to sleep tonight?  Well I do!  Grandparents on both sides are taking the kids and Aaron and I are escaping the insanity for a night. I am super geeked (oh yes, I just said geeked). I have said it before, for Aaron and I (not everyone) the nights away are really good for us.  And I bought a fancy polka dot dress, fancy shoes (I know!!!) and a pink scarf.  It should pretty much be awesome.  Then, we've got a weekend of BBQs and family/friends lined up.  As we enjoy the day off on Monday, we will be keeping in mind all those who have sacrificed in order to allow us to live like we do.  Praise God for our veterans and those who have paid the ultimate price with their lives.  Let's not forget them in our joy this weekend!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Mary - first: congrats on the getting healthy! you go, girl!

    second: um, yeah - I agree - if you don' t like what I say - go ahead, ignore me; that's what I do in real life lol

    third: on the Keurig: see if you can find the 'fill yourself' inserts and then you can use your favorite coffee at your strength (and save money-bonus!)

    Enjoy your night

    1. Karen- you are always so affirming. I think I am going to get that 'fill it yourself' insert. I think it will save money as well :)

  2. Re: the Keurig--try the breakfast blends or the flavored coffee blends. Some of my favorites are the Mocha Nut Fudge, Caramel Vanilla Creme, and Chocolate Glazed Donut. A little splash of Italian Sweet Cream creamer or that Cold Stone Sweet Cream creamer and I am in heaven.

    1. ohhh...great suggestions. Imma have to try it!

  3. WW is so good, I love it too but I'm not 100% on it yet, you're giving me inspiration though! Have fun with your hubby tonight!

    1. It REALLY works for me. I like the choices and the apps and all that good stuff. I am a very boring eater (that is part of the problem)- and I just find it so easy.

  4. YES to your #3!!! We always need to blame something other than ourselves, but social media isn't the problem. Also, Congrats on the weight loss! I need to join the WW bandwagon...or at least something that keeps me accountable for my dietary choices.

    1. yup! And I REALLY like it. Like, a lot. For me, the program is so easy to understand. I get that you can do it 'wrong' and eat the wrong things, but I am pretty much eating all healthy except for a few planned things here and there. One of my friends said it best, 'you know I think this is how skinny people eat!'. lol. I'm getting ready for a plateau but it is really encouraging to get some of the 60 + I need to

  5. 9 kiddos here, and we don't buy juice because we are tight @$$es here, too! :) Perhaps you just saved yourself thousands in therapy by getting your ant hate out in the open! You have a beautiful family. God bless!

    1. How sweet Jaime! Hopefully it will be a cleansing experience. I have forced myself to play in the back yard like three times this week! I am brave. Pretty much.

  6. LOL- That's really funny. When I leave for WW, I tell my son I am going to my 'phat people meeting'- with a PH ;)
    DUDE- I cannot even handle your story about ants. Yesterday, in my van, I found two. I think they are from a BBQ we had at our friends house, but obviously, I am not okay.
