
Friday, May 30, 2014

7 Quick Takes- I'm not gonna lie, slightly boring edition

Just wanted to update you guys on the ant situation.  This week, I found two HUGE carpenter ants in my car whilst I was driving.  yea, I know!
That being said, I have been very brave and challenged myself to play outside with the boys in the backyard!  I have done well. I am pretty much a hero!
This week was crazy. I started swim lessons for the boys on Tuesday night.  We are going to be taking them Tuesday/Thursday nights for June/July.  It's a bummer having somewhere to be each night though.  You moms, with lots of kids who are old enough to play are my hero.
I LOVE the X-men series but I REALLY liked this last one. It was an awesome blend of great themes, good humor, visual fun and more!  Go see it, you won't regret it.
My parents have a three legged dog named Daisy.  I don't like her.  BUT, as I have said before...wait for it...prepare the judgments... I don't like dogs.  I know!  Anyway, their three legged dog always attacks my kids with her whipping tail, which makes me like her even less.  Last Friday night my parents had lil' A and Joey over night.   This week I was driving with lil' A and he said, "I love Daisy mommy, she is my best friend!".  great!
I'm glad today is Friday.  And, we have zero plans for this weekend.  I'm into it.
I'm also psyched that it's June.  At the end of this month we will be taking a little family vacation to Chicago and then to the Wisconsin Dells. It should be delightful, I kind of can't wait.

Sorry these takes were a bit boring, it's all I had this morning :)

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. I thought Kaleb was his bdf :(

    1. That's REALLY funny...because as you know, although I do not like dogs, I REALLY don't like Daisy and I REALLY favor Kaleb...and so I said in response to Aaron, "What about Kaleb" and he said, "Kaleb is my best friend too"- #truestory #restofthestory
