I am sitting in my family room right now looking at the baby swing that my husband set up yesterday. To my right are boxes with a Pack and Play, a High Chair, a Bassinet, and a Bouncer. On the floor are boxes with bottles, breast pumps, bedding, etc...Yes, my friends, the baby is almost here!
This weekend, we were blessed to have our final shower. It was an amazing day in so many ways. There were too many blessings to count, too many awesome gifts, and I know our baby felt that love that was radiating in the room.
My cousins and aunts from out of town (all the way from Wisconsin) got up at 4:30 am to drive in for it! Can you believe that? The day was such a joy.
The night before, I was telling Aaron my biggest concerns were that we didn't have enough baby clothes and we didn't have enough books to read him when he was born. Well, trust me, those needs were taken care of. The day was so very very special...and once again, my husband surprised me and woo'd all the women in the room by being a total rock-star. I shall explain...
For the past week I could tell he was working on something. He told me I couldn't look at his emails (yes we are THAT couple that has each other's passwords and such), and that he was working on something. I wasn't sure what it was, but once again, decided I would just let myself be surprised. After I had opened all the presents, Aaron said there was one more. He gave me a card with very nice words (he writes very nice words occasionally) and as the room of people looked on, began to give me his shower present. Before I started opening, my aunt said, 'I have been to a TON and I mean a TON of showers, I have never seen a husband give his wife a present.'. He began to hand me a series of books, 'How to be a happy mother' and 'How to Raise Men of Character' for me; and 'Better fathers, better sons' and a book about fathers raising sons for him. He had ordered these books for us, so that we could read together about the important things. Not things like, 'how long should I breast feed', or 'How should I diaper my child'- but really important things...how to raise children to be GOOD. Needless to say, I started to get teary eye'd. However, there was one more gift, he pulled out a tiny box and at first I didn't know what it was (an ipod to replace the one he bought me and I lost 3 months later???)- and once I knew I started to cry once again. He had got me a Sony Bloggie, otherwise known as a video camera. We are quite tight on money right now (Uncle Sam came calling for for over four thousand dollars)- but I kept telling him how we really needed to get a video camera, so we can capture all of our baby boy's moments. Once again, my rock star husband made it happen.
I completely started bawling at that point, because that is what he makes me do all the time. And, I'm not gonna lie, there was a tear or two in his eyes as we hugged. I think an advantage of the love that we found is that occasionally, we have these moments when we are SO very aware what a gift we are to each other, and what a gift God has given us through our soon-to-be-here child. We were in my mom's basement, surrounded by so much love for our child, and I was so very aware of the love I am blessed to have.
One thing I know for sure, my baby is so VERY lucky to have Aaron as his daddy. Dads are so very important to their sons, and I spend a LOT of time thinking about how blessed our baby is:)
YAY God!
Maggie's Mission Trip Memories
10 hours ago