A year ago yesterday, Aaron and I were married. It seems so funny to think that at this time last year, I was probably relaxing in our room by the sea, listening to the sounds of the ocean. We were aware, even then, that our honeymoon was one of the last times that it would be 'all about us'. On our honeymoon, we talked a lot about getting pregnant, we wondered if we were already pregnant (in my family that would not be unusual) and discussed how fantastically bizarre it would be to be parents. Flash forward 365 days later, and that fantasy is now our reality.

We are new parents in every sense of the word. Trying to navigate through parenthood. We are used to getting by on less sleep than our sleepless nights used to provide. We are dealing with a baby who is 100% adorable and yet cranky 50% of the time:) We are planning for our future and getting used to new work schedules and trying to keep on top of house cleaning/laundry/etc...We have already had our child admitted to the hospital and we are set to go see a pediatric cardiologist in three weeks (not a big deal, heart murmur). These things have showed us that life is probably never going to be about 'just us' again. In fact, 'just us' has expanded. It now includes a sweet baby boy, who spits up so much I am considering carrying around an extra shirt at all times. He is also the sweetest boy ever. This morning, he looked at me and smiled for a solid 3 minutes..my heart melted!

God's plans are amazing. Aaron and I are still very much at the beginning of our journey together, now joined by a sweet baby boy. My prayer last night as I went to bed on my first year anniversary is that we can keep our 'eyes on the prize'. The prize being growing in faith together through learning how to selflessly love each other. Currently, I suck at that...I might always suck at it- but thankfully I have someone to walk with on this path.
Thank you Jesus for my husband :) Happy anniversary to him and praise God for our little boy!