Listen. The Planned Parenthood Videos are edited for practicality- the full, unedited videos are easily available on 'theyoutube'. And youtube is not a secret place no one can access. I understand we live in a society where people can't think critically, where truth doesn't matter, and where we can just claim things are/aren't and that's the way we 'feel' so that makes it so. But, for the Love of God, the unedited tapes are fully available. And, last night, I pretty much laid in bed, DISTRESSED about the fact that the LEADER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is using the 'edited by extremists' excuse. I can't. You guys. I really can't.
Which leads me to my next part... and if you don't like all the cranky, you probably shouldn't read. This is the opposite of how I feel the majority of the time- but I'll tell you, more and more I'm just thinking it's time for the second coming. I really do. I don't know how we can bail ourselves out of this infection of relative truth/weirdness/cultural crisis. Don't you just wanna sing "behold he comes, riding on a cloud, shining like the sun, at the trumpets call.." and really mean it? Le sigh, but I know there is work to be done- and so I will try to continue to be a person of joy.
Which leads me to my next part... and if you don't like all the cranky, you probably shouldn't read. This is the opposite of how I feel the majority of the time- but I'll tell you, more and more I'm just thinking it's time for the second coming. I really do. I don't know how we can bail ourselves out of this infection of relative truth/weirdness/cultural crisis. Don't you just wanna sing "behold he comes, riding on a cloud, shining like the sun, at the trumpets call.." and really mean it? Le sigh, but I know there is work to be done- and so I will try to continue to be a person of joy.
So the Lion thing... there's a lot that can be said and I get it. But, it has got me thinking, I just can't see any reason, from a Catholic perspective, that Big Game Hunting, or hunting for 'fun' or 'sport' alone would ever be okay? Population control? I totally get. Eating the meat you get? Perfect! But just for fun, or just to decorate your house with the hide of a Lion... it seems really weird to me when it comes to Caring for God's creation. Anyone want to weigh in...
So, you know when people make bad decisions constantly and then complain about how their bad decisions have affected their lives, but then they continue to make those bad decisions. I think that's pretty much the most annoying thing ever.
We haven't had a really good cranky post full of crank in a long time, I hope you are enjoying.
Let's talk about my kids for a second eh? That will make us smile.
Lil Aaron stuck a kernel of popcorn up his nose on Sunday night. And it had been a really long weekend and I was BEYOND tired, so I really went a little over the top in my reaction. I was disproportionately upset about it. It was not a shining moment in parenting. I kept screaming at him, "Now we are going to have to go to the HOSPITAL!!!!" to which he kept saying, "I'M SO SORRRRRRRRRY"
But later that night, after I was the freaking hero of the whole world and got it out... we snuggled in bed and I apologized for my reaction.
The good news?
I don't think that kid will EVER stick something up his nose again :)
(knock on a big ol' plank of wood)
Lil Aaron stuck a kernel of popcorn up his nose on Sunday night. And it had been a really long weekend and I was BEYOND tired, so I really went a little over the top in my reaction. I was disproportionately upset about it. It was not a shining moment in parenting. I kept screaming at him, "Now we are going to have to go to the HOSPITAL!!!!" to which he kept saying, "I'M SO SORRRRRRRRRY"
But later that night, after I was the freaking hero of the whole world and got it out... we snuggled in bed and I apologized for my reaction.
The good news?
I don't think that kid will EVER stick something up his nose again :)
(knock on a big ol' plank of wood)
John Paul, at least once a day, says, 'hi' to the baby and places his head on my tummy. Then he just sits there. It's ADORABLE. I love how much this little girl is loved already by her big brothers. So.much.
That's it for me. Check out more Quick Takes at http://thisaintthelyceum.org/