So, I'm not pregnant any more! shout that to the roof tops and back again! The last few weeks were rough, the last week in particular, insanely trying. Two hospitalizations for severe dehydration, back pain, zero sleep, etc... I was so sick in those last few days I even ended up with an emergency call to the hospital at 4:00 am telling the ob on the line that somethin' wasn't right. In the end? Totally and completely worth it- as we knew it would be.
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Meeting our sweet Malia for the first time |
So very thankful for an amazing team of doctors and nurses who were in the operating room with us. The anxiety of going into one's fourth c-section is hard to put into words. The night before, due to hydration issues, I was admitted into the hospital. This ended up being the greatest blessing in the world because as one nurse put it, I was so dehydrated from a week's worth of vomiting and barely keeping down food, that they wouldn't have been able to do the surgery- can.you.imagine?!?! I was able to receive the Sacrament of Healing and get a really good night's sleep before surgery. From the anesthesiologist, to the OR nurses, to my personal doctor (who is amaze-balls)... we felt and knew we were in such good hands. It is also not lost on me that SO many people were praying for us, and I can't thank you enough for that. It's funny, one nurse was right by my head, and I feel like her main job was to keep reminding me that any feeling I was getting was normal, things looked okay, and everything was going well. Little Malia Paul (or should I say, 'not so little') was scrunched up in me real good, so it took a hot second to pull her out. Of course, that was terrifying for her mother. But, with the prayers I was able to remain semi calm (if semi calm is crying and begging Aaron to begin praying!).
So very thankful for an amazing team of doctors and nurses who were in the operating room with us. The anxiety of going into one's fourth c-section is hard to put into words. The night before, due to hydration issues, I was admitted into the hospital. This ended up being the greatest blessing in the world because as one nurse put it, I was so dehydrated from a week's worth of vomiting and barely keeping down food, that they wouldn't have been able to do the surgery- can.you.imagine?!?! I was able to receive the Sacrament of Healing and get a really good night's sleep before surgery. From the anesthesiologist, to the OR nurses, to my personal doctor (who is amaze-balls)... we felt and knew we were in such good hands. It is also not lost on me that SO many people were praying for us, and I can't thank you enough for that. It's funny, one nurse was right by my head, and I feel like her main job was to keep reminding me that any feeling I was getting was normal, things looked okay, and everything was going well. Little Malia Paul (or should I say, 'not so little') was scrunched up in me real good, so it took a hot second to pull her out. Of course, that was terrifying for her mother. But, with the prayers I was able to remain semi calm (if semi calm is crying and begging Aaron to begin praying!).
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First family selfie :) |
You guys. I am obsessed with nurses. I honestly think it's the most amazing profession in the world. Those of you with hospital births (natural or c-sections) know all that nurses must contend with, we are in our most vulnerable state, and they meet us there. We had such good nurses this time, it's hard to even write how lovely it was. I missed my boys like crazy. There was lots of drama on the childcare front due to a nasty flu hitting my parent's house. Thankfully Aaron's parents were able to watch the boys the entire time (we owe them like whoa), but it still threw me off. The nurses were so great about reminding this hormonal mom that everything was going to be okay, the boys were well looked after, and to enjoy this time with my sweet baby girl. When the boys finally did come visit and it was time to leave, lil' A got a little emotional but was trying not to cry. "Mommy, can't I just stay with you???"- That's what he said while burying his face in my arms. You guys, I started to totally lose it, which would have been tragic all around. But then...nurse KATE to the rescue, arriving just in the nick of time and bringing purple Popsicle and good cheer! I was so very thankful. Nurses, you rock and you don't get nearly the credit you deserve.
Om lowercase g you guys... I have four kids. Four adorable, perfect, lovely, wonderful, children. Four children who love each other and us. Four kids. FOUR. And I was nervous about four. Maybe it's too soon to call (it's def. too soon to call, Big A is still home) but honestly, pregnancy was so bad that recovery and having four children seems like a breeze. I am SO tired (not sleeping for a week prior will do that to you), I can barely stay awake during feedings. But, I keep telling people, it's not a bitter type of tired. I am so content in life. My heart is content. My soul is content. I can't believe this little family God has allowed us to create in the last five years. It's enough to make me cry. So I do...all the time.
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That would be four children- my favorite number |
If there's anything cuter than a newborn baby girl in a huge bow and pink converse sneakers...I'm not sure I know what that could be.
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I mean... come on!!! |
There are two types of people in the world. Those that defy science and claim that babies are able to smile in the first few weeks of life as an expression of happiness and joy... and those who don't. I am one who does. Lil' A asks on the regular to take pictures with his baby sister Malia. He is SO proud to be her brother- more than any of the other kids. He loves her so much, which does this mama's heart good. I went to snap this picture of them and Malia was smiling, she kept smiling, until he pulled away. These two. They will have something special in terms of a bond...you mark my words.
Still kind of mad at the pope for not Baptizing Malia this weekend... but in my attempt to get over it, I have been blessed by being able to stay in bed and watch most of the coverage. Ladies and gentleman, it has not been super easy to be a Catholic in recent times in this country. Whether or not it's deserved, there is a perception my faith is a hateful religion, there is the lasting effect from the sex abuse crisis, and the current administration's constant attacks on Religious Freedom/Liberty... it just has seemed hard to be a person of faith, my faith in particular these last few years. But, DAZZZZZZZANG- the Holy Father is making it okay again to claim being a Catholic as a faith that shows people Christ. I was beside myself the other night when I heard Anderson Cooper (incidentally my best friend Andy Cohen's best friend) positively giddy over seeing Pope Francis arrive in NYC. God is good and it's so nice to see people celebrating truth, beauty and goodness. And guess what?!?!?! I have a front row seat, from my ipad, in my bed where I have spent most of the week :)
That's it for me. Check out more Quick Takes at http://thisaintthelyceum.org/