Holla! I am coming off the tails of a crazy busy but absolutely fantastic weekend. Wanna hear about it?
Thursday night, as I said in the ol' Quick Takes, I was able to do a BOLD MINISTRIES presentation on Social Media to parents of Spirtus Sanctus Academy, which is the school run by the famous order, 'Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist'. If you don't know, they are pretty much awesome. And the presentation went crazy awesome. Like emails and phone calls the next day awesome. So, that was fantastic. BUT, I didn't get home till 9:30 pm, had to do some quick cleaning and rally the house together for fancy Friday.
I've told you guys last year I was honored to be asked to sit on a committee for the New Evangelization Initiative in the Archdiocese of Detroit. It was a room full of ridiculous fancy where "one of these things was CLEARLY not like the others". It ended up being a really great experience in my life and was a launching point for the continuation of this work into these next coming years. Lil' ol' me was asked to lead a team of people, to join four other teams, to be under the leadership of a central leadership team. So many words. Anyway, we had our first meeting on Friday. The Catholic Leadership Institute (this is all for Catholic nerds out there) came in to teach us how to understand ourselves and understand our goals to lay the groundwork of success for the next two years. I am going to tell you about those findings in a hot-second. Unless you are bored silly- then you might want to stop reading.
I went and visited some good friends. One who is wrestling with some very real things and could use your prayers, BUT, I'm not going to give you any more detail than that. DON'T YOU HATE WHEN PEOPLE DO THAT? But if you could pray for a dear friend of mine, I will give you an internet high five.
Since I hadn't been at my house in 1.5 days, and prior to that I worked through a gross amount of food poisoning, but in three hours my sister was coming...I cleaned. For three hours. It was not awesome.
My sister showed up with her husband and four kids under four at 10:30 pm. We woke all the kids up and let them play until 1:30 am. You read that right. We went to put them to bed, let's just say- they weren't so excited about that. Up till 2:30 am (what am I, 19 again?) and kids calling for me at 6:30 am.
We got up wonderfully early to head down to Sacred Heart Seminary to see John Paul's godfather and one of our best friends be ordained a Transitional Deacon. It was lovely and inspiring. He was fancy and happy. The whole thing was really really special. I couldn't help but think of meeting Mario in Australia (formerly) in 2008. Our lives crossing and our friendship developing. And, what God has done since then. I am now married with three children, he has since entered the seminary and seeing that vocation become clearer and clearer. God is good folks- that's all you need to know about that.
the fam |
He's very holy |
We got home around noon thirty and had a delicious lunch and visit with the adults while the kids took (too short) naps. After, we went across the street to a park. There are a lot of things I like about where I live, a park across the street is perhaps one of the best things!
Super model WORK |
the dads |
besties |
This kid is so handsome |
John Paul spiked a totally random and weird fever- so, although we were all suppose to go to my grandmother's 80th birthday celebration, we opted to leave Aaron home with the littles, my sister's husband home with his little kids. Theresa (my sister) and I would take our oldest children! You guys, it was awesome. A special little date. We stopped first and watched major construction on one of our local highways. They actually have the highway completely shut down and it is a feeder into Detroit City, so it is a huge bummer for Metro Detroit. But, do you know who it is not a huge bummer for? Three year old little boys. Aaron was dying. I don't think he had ever seen something so cool. The only thing that keeps him from nagging to go back was me telling him again and again that 'constructions are sleeping'. After that, we went to the party, right by train tracks and several trains went by. The whole night was like a little boy's dream! Fries, Chicken Fingers and Coke included. After the party which included a lot of people seeing and hanging out, we did some more hanging out at my house...and then went to bed around 11:00 pm. I couldn't sleep between 3:45-5:45 am, which sucked at 6:30 am.
He couldn't even turn away to smile at the picture |
We began our morning by heading over to my parents for the most impressive breakfast ever (everything you can think of...so good!). We socialized with each other and then ran out to attend Mass.
Palm Sunday Mass, awesome, but not short. Lots of kids. Pretty tired.
Sister left (so sad) husband and kids took a nap, I cleaned
We had to go see the Construction site again (I'm thinkin' it's going to be a VERY regular thing 'round these parts)
7:15 pm kids are in bed, watch some shark tank, hit up my 'hotlanta' girls and then collapse into bed.
The point of this post.
So, I wrote all that, just to tell you this. I have always always ALWAYS said I am a VERY complicated extrovert. When people meet me, they are always like, 'oh, she is an extrovert, hands down'. On the 'DISC Assessment' people always told me I would be an 'I' hands down down. 'I' people are extroverted and dominate. In a lot of ways, I am like that. But I have always said, I am a complicated girl.
When people talk about extroverts and how they 'recharge' by being with people, it makes me shudder.
I am a person that VERY much needs my alone time, my decompressing time, in order to be the fun-loving extrovert so many people have met/know. This weekend did not call for a lot of downtime, so I am honestly mentally, physically and emotionally spent. NOT Because it wasn't awesome, but because it took so much of my energy to go with no break. With no down time. With no solo time.
Anyway, I always tried to convince people of my complicated extrovertness...but guess what?!?!?!
That fancy meeting I did on Friday, where we learned about ourselves and how we relate to others...guesswhat?!?!?! I am an 'Is". Which means my primary functioning is definitely extroverted, but the 's' represents a personal movement on the introverted scale. AND, there wasn't much difference between them. Which means, I am a complicated extrovert!
This entire post was to say..."SEE, I TOLD YOU SO!!!!"
Oh, annnnd- to let you know.....I am tired.