At first glance, this picture might seem a little cheese-ball. My sister made and sent this to me on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. To be honest, as you've probably witnessed through this blog, I really think race is discussed completely backward in this country. That being said, it is super important for me to recognize and acknowledge that less than 75 years ago, our little family would have been quite impossible in this country. There is a strong sense of thankfulness I feel deep within my heart for civil rights leaders of the 20th century. This picture represents that to me.
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February was long wasn't it? The fatigue of our very long winter starting to set in (though I'd love me some true winter now). This is a good representation of our February. Pajamas and lounging around.
Ah.... look at these little leprechauns. My dear cousin Judy bought matching sweatshirts for the boys (you know I love me some matching sweatshirts) and we got to enjoy all the Joy of this very special day for my 1/2 Black, 1/4 Irish, and 1/4 Polish babies.
What a special day! On this day, John Paul Francis Wilkerson's Godfather, Uncle Deacon Mario, was ordained a Deacon. It was a beautiful thing to see my dear friend transitionally give of his life in service of the Church. Keep him in your prayers as he prepares for Priestly Ordination in 2015.
It ain't perfect, but it is us.

June was awesome. Our little family went on a sweet family vacation that started with Chicago (and one of my favorite pictures of my boys) and continued to the Wisconsin Dells. It was drama free and lovely. And a good opportunity to really bond with Big Aaron's family.
And that, my friends is JOY. the JOY that only summer time and childhood can bring.
I'm not gonna lie. August was pretty terrible, and this picture kind of sums it up. Aaron lost his job on the last day of July, his company (the worst company in the world BLAZENT), did it intentionally, so they wouldn't have to pay out any more insurance. It was/is a small company, so they knew we had three little babies at home. The next day (I think) Joey fell and cracked his head open, needing stitches. Thank God for my responsible husband, we had funds to cover it, but it just perfectly encapsulated this month. We had a trip planned to Mexico, but Aaron was still trying to find a job and we missed our flights. August really stunk. But don't get too sad, because there was a September...
September was awesome. My kick butt husband worked his butt off hustling to find a new job. By the end of August we had two really good offers to choose from. My sweet cousin Judy (do you notice a theme here) came to watch the boys, so Aaron and I could go up to the outlet shops in order to get him fancified for his new role as team lead.
So, if you read the ol' blog, you know I am not a crafter. Which is why I was more than proud of my creative moment in costumes when I made all three boys race-cars out of cardboard boxes. I am pretty much Martha Stewart.
So, just for the record, Joey does not have his finger in his nose. This picture was from Thanksgiving morning. It's my sweet little family, under covers, watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade. You know how sometimes, we get those moments of overwhelming gratefulness? This was one of those moments. I felt so blessed for my family and the life we have, I couldn't stop crying. Aaron, my fancy husband, had just accepted a new position as an IT Manager. My family was coming into town, and I got to snuggle with my family. I am still, to this day, overwhelmed by what God has done in such little time (5 years) to my life. My cupeth, truly overflows.
This one was really hard to choose. This month has been a mixed bag. St. Nicholas Day, Advent, Christmas morning, but in the end, I chose this one. This is from our second annual 'friends Christmas' at the Chamberlands house. We are so very blessed with good friends. Friends who are truly very much like family. It's been wonderful watching our friendship grow and sustain through years of experiences. In this picture is Jay, a high school/college friend and my son's godfather, his wife Beth and their two children Thomas (my godson) and Ethan. Mike and Kellie- my ministry partner and my college roommate. Aaron- my best friend. Jodi- my dear friend who made my 10 years at St. John Neumann so much fun, My sister Annie, who is cooking my newest godchild and our dear friend Father Craig, who married us almost five years ago. I am so blessed by my circle of friends, and this is just a few of them.
As many of you know, we found out 1.5 weeks ago that one of our closest friends has an incredibly difficult cancer road ahead. At the end of this week, we will all find out exactly what that road will entail. It's helped me to step back and feel so very thankful for the moments I have with those who God has placed in my life. It has helped me feel grateful for all of you, as so many of you have offered prayers, support and financial help to a man you've never met.
2014 was a mixed bag. But I can say with confidence, the good Lord has been too good to me. And with that, I leave you with a Pearl Jam song that was recently put on my radar. ENJOY.