So, Rakhi wrote an excellent piece this week titled
Celebrating the Feminine Genius. It got me thinking about the women in my life who have made a significant difference. And that got me thinkin' about my sisters. I really have the coolest sisters on the planet. When I think about who they are and what they have accomplished it kind of, sort of, blows me away. I fight with them a lot. All of them. Sometimes we go months without talking to one another (shocking, I know...given my rational and easily forgiving character). But man, these woman inspire (see what I did there, with the 'man' and the 'woman'). I'd like to tell you about them. First...Here's us
Let me tell you about my sister, Katie. She is a wickedly talented mom, no joke. She has five children- ranging from high school to preschool. Oh, but wait for it...she works full time! But she's not your average mom, nope! She is a fantastic mother. I am talking about the type that does field trips for her kids, themed parties (just because), crafts and other kid-adventures. Katie understands children perhaps better than anyone I have ever met. She
wrote this awesome piece last week on adoption, it made me cry. Right now, one of her five needs a lot of extra love and navigating...her/her husband have been working so hard to love him correctly. The other day, I was telling her how beautiful watching that process is. I know it's so frustrating for her, but watching real love change a child is probably one of the coolest things ever to witness. My sister Katie rocks!

Let me tell you about my sister-in-law, Paulette. She is a mom of six kids. She's one of those moms that makes me tired just thinking about her life. Each of her older kids are involved in sports. She shows up rain/shine to practices/games/etc... She has pretty much been pregnant for the past nine years, but guess what? You'd never know it. This crazy girl is currently ROCKING the zumba scene in Massachusetts. She is a teacher and her students adore her. I love watching the routines she posts on facebook. I cannot.imagine how much fun her classes would be. And yes, you read that right, I said classes. Crazy girl is teaching 5-6 classes a week...oh, did you remember she has SIX KIDS. She has the bangin' body I only joke about having one day. But, wanna know what I think is the coolest? Her facebook has a diverse following, afterall- she uses it to promote her business. But, even with that, she is unapologetically prolife, pro-woman and pro-family. My sister Paulette is off the hook.

Let me tell you about my sister, Theresa. She is honestly a woman that should be called a super hero. Are you ready? She has four children. A three year old, a two year old, and...wait for it, 1 year old twins. Her kids are stunning, and friendly and polite and fun. That is awesome. She is a doing good job raising four babies. But, wanna hear something crazy? She works FULL TIME as a teacher. Everyday she wakes up, cares for her babies, goes to work, cares for those children and then, comes home to care for her babies again. She isn't just 'a teacher'. She is one of those amazing teachers. The type of teacher who really care about her students. One of those teachers that celebrates successes and cries with her student's struggles. Can I tell you something else about her? Her husband works the opposite shift, so they can keep their kids out of daycare. Because of that, they both have to parent solo most of the time, and they don't get to see each other as much as they'd like. But, they make the best of it. They are the best marriage 'team' I have ever witnessed in my life. Aaron and I learn a lot from them and their sacrifice. My sister Theresa, she is really somethin' else.
Let me tell you about my sister in law, Jen. She has a strength that is rare and amazing. I'm about to tell you something that will break your hearts. Jen's first husband died in the most recent Iraq war. He died fighting for this country, Jen had two babies at the time and was about to deliver her third. Her kids were the same ages (approx) as mine are now. Her life dramatically changed and she found herself a widow with three babies. Can you imagine? But guess what she did? She kicked life's butt! She moved to Michigan, ran triathlons and began a design business. Then, she met my brother and fell in love. Can you believe they now have SIX KIDS! But, like my other sisters...wait for it, she is still running that design business. You NEED to go check out her facebook page,
"Project Restyle". The things she is capable of doing with space/interior design blow my mind. I am not gifted in that way, so it's so cool seeing what she does. My sister Jen is kind of a rockstar.

Let me tell you about my sister, Annie! Here's the thing, being the baby of six kids by a lot of years (nine years between her and the next oldest) is awesome in a lot of ways, but it really sucks in a lot of ways as well. She has been 'parented' by several sets of parents since she was a kid. She has had to maneuver through all of our craziness and struggle to become independent, when all of us kind of want her to stay a kid. Annie is the best aunt to all of her nieces and nephews (and lets admit it, we kind of have a ridiculous amount), plus, she kind of works her A$$ off. She has a work ethic that isn't easily matched, currently she is a nanny who goes above and beyond the call. My kids love her. SO.MUCH. They light up when she comes to see them, or when she is able to take them on little dates. She is a courageous girl, who does weirdly awesome things like tattoos and nose piercings. My sister Annie is deeply sensitive and loves with fierceness. My sister Annie kind of inspires me.
So, in three weeks, we are having our first ever SISTERS WEEKEND!!! In Columbus, Ohio (I know, gross, but it is a good halfway point). I am so excited to spend quality times with most of these ladies...gettin' our drank on, gettin' our talk on, maybe even gettin' our tattoo on! It's sure to be an awesome weekend! What a blessing God has given me through my sisters!
Thanks Jen for hosting!